Gay Christmas

User: Dee Dee
Gay Christmas

Merry Christmas! Christmas is just around the corner and electrician Heiko has a problem: His five-year-old son wants a girl's toy. Of all things! For Heiko it is clear: He cannot fulfill this wish for the boy. Leon should finally become a real man - and definitely not gay! Heiko doesn't realize how much his attitude hurt not only his son, but also his wife. When he is called to the ominous "Club DT" for an emergency on Christmas Eve because of electrical problems, he drives off, assuming he can get the job done quickly. But when they arrive at the club, everything goes haywire. And then he suddenly faces a rather strange figure. Is that ... an angel?

This Book is Part of a Series "The Club DT"
All Books in this Series:
The Club DT Collection
Gay Storys
Gay Christmas

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