Pregnant At Thirteen

Urban Author By:
Pregnant At Thirteen

Capri  is just like any other thirteen year old teen. She loves school, family, friends, and lives life to the fullest. But one day changed that all and now she harbors a  deep dark secret that she doesn't trust to tell anyone; not her best friends or even her parents. She now has to figure out how to deal with her new circumstances without anyone finding out. She doesn't know what to do and is scared and worried to death at what her friends and family may think that now she is pregnant.  What will she do? Will she tell anyone? What will happen next?

This Book is Part of a Series "Pregnant At Thirteen"
All Books in this Series:
Pregnant At Thirteen
Urban Author
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Oh my freaking goodness, this book is so good! You have to write a second one.

1 Comment

Thank you so much but this book isn't completed

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