So it's been a while.. a long while. But tonight I had such a profound experience I just had to write it down and share it with you. This is a poem about my loneliness, and how I relish in it. I don't always do, but tonight I did.

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i like the fact boys still have the nerve to write about feelings. it's just not us girls who really think about the world with poetry. but the thing that really got me from ur poetry was that i know how you feel even in that space of words i understand ur feelings. it's the same kind of feeling i have.
i have to be honest it is way better than my work it's AMAZING well done! :)

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Mia Tchoukour

Simple and sweet. I really love your cover too!


Thank you! It just came up when I typed 'Alone' into Google Images, but you know.

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I like the calm, deep sense of personal observation and awareness. Nicely done.

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Glynis Rankin

Welcome back!
This for me was a lovely sad poem. It touched so heavily on some of the feelings that we all share from time to time. Its in the bubble of our despair that inspiration can grow. Remember not to lose the inspiration that inspires outside that bubble.

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Jacco we could never forget you. Loved the poem. I find myself relishing my alone time as well, but remember you are never truly alone as long as you have friends.

Good poem my friend.


Thank you. Thank you for welcoming me back. I guess I always missed this on some subconscious level.. tonight I finally reexperienced that great feeling as you slowly see the emotions you have in your mind appear on the paper before you. I truly believe that every poet is... Show more

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Adam Lewis LaValley

Very beautiful, and solemn at the same time...It is amazing how one can put forth emotions into a form of art.

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