
(Novel series #1) By:
My book is about a girl who her parents got in a car accident when she was young, so she gets sent to foster care for some time , but she doesnt remember her parents anymore. Why? because she has amnesia , then she gets adopted by new rich parents that she obeys everytime , she never talked back, never said anything rude to them . Their "Perfect child role" but one day a new guy transfer to her school, in her class, that bad boy rich role" oh great huh? wrong . suddenly her parents tells her something a girl never wants to hear . mostly about someone she promised to hate for the rest of her life . Wanna find out more . Read my book . (Still editing and comment or message if you think i need to fix something)

This Book is Part of a Series "Amnesia"
All Books in this Series:
(Novel series #1)
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Your Prologue is much, much better (clearer) than your blurb, Chloe. Re-read the blurb and see if anything strikes you. You often want to use that comma when you should be using the period:) You capitalized the next word, after all. The blurb is the FIRST introduction to your work, and as such, you need to make it letter perfect...and make it "sing". You can do that with a little work, and a lot of reading it over and... Show more

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ღƒℓєєкσℓσgу ღ

:) that great . i am going to think of you as a mentor now .


Do as I say, not as I do, lol:) :) :)

No. Read, read, read! We learn so much by osmosis!

Oh, and write, and then scream, "Read me! Tell me what I can do to make this better!"

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i love cant wait for more! :) please let me know once you update

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ღƒℓєєкσℓσgу ღ

i am glad you think so . i will be updating i know i am taking long it because i am fixing errors people correct me about . i am sorry . please share with others and inbox me if you think i should correct some things too .

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Deleted User

It was really good! But I got confused at times simply because when they were talking there weren't any quotations and some words were misspelled. But those problems can easily be fixed! It was very good!

ღƒℓєєкσℓσgу ღ

ok thank you and i will fix those things . i am still learning so the review is making me go stronger thanks again

Deleted User

No problem ^.^

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This book has a lot of potential! Great idea! I recommend you find someone to proof read it so that the grammar can be corrected. Try and make the blurb a bit longer and put the commas and full stops in the right places. Send me a message once you have written more as I look forward to it :)

ღƒℓєєкσℓσgу ღ

Ok thank you soo much . i love your book too . ♥


Hehe no problem hun! ♡

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