How My World Came Crashing Down

How My World Came Crashing Down
Eight year old Cheyenne lived a great life. Her mom loved her, she had a big house, and she went to a school where everyone was her friend. Her mom may not have a bunch of money for Cheyenne but she's a great mother! Cheyenne's never met her dad but has no concern to and if she brings it up while talking to her mom, her mom quickly changes the subject. Everything is just fine with little Cheyenne until her mom recieves a phone call that changes Everything.

This Book is Part of a Series "Why does this happen to Me?"
All Books in this Series:
How My World Came Crashing Down
Nobody Knows What It's Like To Be Me ..
'If you tell, I'll make sure that you regret it.'
rape, kidnap, pregnant, no choice, forced
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