Tamed: Wisdom&Dog(prequel to UNTAMED)

the meeting of two hoods By:
Tamed: Wisdom&Dog(prequel to UNTAMED)
Short excerpt that tells the tale of how Wisdom Sinsare meet Damien Xavier, aka the Dog. The latest prequel story leading to the main event book UNTAMED

This Book is Part of a Series "Untamed prequels"
All Books in this Series:
Tamed: Wisdom&Dog(prequel to UNTAMED)
the meeting of two hoods
Ice Cream Man(prequel to Untamed)
the beginning of a legend
Posts and Comments
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Deleted User

This unfolds like a good movie. I could really see the action and the movement. (And that's the best thing for any writer to hear.) Your writing is very sharp and conveys the message quite well. Even though I am a romance writer I could still appreciate it, and you do have quite a bit of romancing as your character does get his needs satisfied.
Your short prequel excerpt hits the mark. Love every well formed detail. You've... Show more

Ashon Thadon

thank you very much for the feedback and i appreciate the comments. I try my best to reveal the imagery of each character.

Deleted User

You're welcome. I'll add this to my favorites.

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