The Gift of Prophesying

Medium: Gift or Curse By:
The Gift of Prophesying
A gifted woman celebrates the life she has created for herself on her 50th birthday.

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A great idea, Angela, power for a day.
What would we do?

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I officially love you!
It was fun to write, that's for sure. In fact, sometime, in the future, I may expand this little story...

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Prophesying, Prophecy...who cares? How many angels can one fit on the head of a pin?

The important thing is, this is an excellent, fast-paced (of necessity) story with a definite lesson taught. Thanks for creating it, Angela.

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Yes, I think some parts of it can be very true. At least, I'm working on it! Practicing appreciation and law of attraction! ;-)

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to write such a big idea into such a small format, and i thought you did a decent enough job. Although it became a little fragmented and jumpy, i still enjoyed the concept. Given more words to play with, this could be really good.
- Kade.

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Yes, G.D., it works! If you check the second paragraph -- she scans the photographs of "her husband" and children, two years later. Thus, I left it to the reader to figure out that two years ago, when the letter arrived in 2011, it was the beginning of her journey because by 2013, she has a husband.

Does that help?

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