Space Pirates 2: Ryoko's Warning

Part 2 of the Space Pirates Series By:
User: dysamyne
Space Pirates 2: Ryoko's Warning
Four years had gone by since Zelda made a deal with Saphire and Olivia made a deal with Magma, and now Zelda's cousin, Ryoko, shows up from the dead to warn Zelda and Olivia that Magma's brother, Willl, is back to destroy the universe. In order to stop him, they must work together. They have problems to deal with, but they team up anyways. Will they be able to work as a team and stop Will?

This Book is Part of a Series "Space Pirates"
All Books in this Series:
Ryoko's Life
Prequal to Space Pirates
Space Pirates & the Battle for Power
Part 1 of the Space Pirate Series
Space Pirates 2: Ryoko's Warning
Part 2 of the Space Pirates Series
Space Pirates 3: Russel's Revenge
Part 3 of the Space Pirate Series
Posts and Comments
Important Post
James Gerard

Another wonderful story. I liked how you slowly built up the tension between the Zelda and Olivia then as a pleasant surprise brought back another character to bring them closer together. Once again, you did a good job of weaving the story lines together in a way that kept my anticipation at its peak. Good job Amber.


Thank you again

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