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Books (2)
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hey .......when you gonna complete the book do you remember me .....plzzzzz finish it or just tell me when it 'll be completed

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I Am in LOVE with captive. I literally wanted that to happen to me , Leaving the Rape part. What so ever, I LOVE that book. Please write a part 3 <3

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Hey I just uploaded another book and it's only one chapter but I wondered if yu could read it? It's called The Adventures of Beeron Glugly.
It's something new I'm just experimenting with and I'd like to see what yu think.
Thanks :)

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it's cool that people are helping you make your covers, but are they using their own images or googling stuff? i want to start making my own covers, but i don't want to have to worry about copyrighting stuff!

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where did you find the picture you used on the cover of "Chadlai"? it's really cool!

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heyy feel free to check out my books and leave comments and what not :p thanks :))

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