NL Rinku
NL Rinku
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I remember you, hello.

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NL Rinku

Yes, you have remembered me means this is good.

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NL Rinku I still remember to that incident when Jaga Sahu fought to Biju Sahu, made him sever injure and my mother warned me not to be like them. I love each and every page of history, that farmer’s song, mango garden where we do play and arrange cricket match against neighbor village, and green golden crops, rise and set of the sun, moon in the sky at night, my grandfather’s cannabis... Show more

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NL Rinku

Our ancestors had come to terms with gods; this was for the construction of a most advanced society on earth, but as evolution quickly turned against old things, two other generations developed as enemies against good. Six thousand years later, we humans made the same mistake. We chose machines as our leaders and slowly they started to abuse politics. They tortured us and announced World War III in 2096. Do not survive... Show more

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