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You like Adventure Time?

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Who do you like most? Jake or Finn?


Beemo. :p Hmm. I dunno. I love them both equally. My favorite girls are Marceline and Flame Princess. :)

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I like the bubblegum Princess, or thats what I call her, and Marceline and maybe the flame princesses!!!!!!

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Hey Hey Hi Hi

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Hi lol. I thought it was a pretty good beat. I dig the reggae vibe.

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Yes Yes ikr!!!! Why ya gotta be so.......ruuuuuuuuuude

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how do you do?!
I see you share my love of beemo,
there for I think that is reason enough to request of you, friendship!!

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yes it does seem to peek our interests doesn't it ?how amusing it is of how you human beings and us "Sylvilagus" can be so picky... I'm not too sure why but I got the impression of there being many innuendos contained within our conversation above, heh ^u^
yeah... but seriously... Show more


Hmm...Maybe...No, that wouldn't work....None. Not a single one. How strange. People most usually come to your friendly neighborhood Beemo for advice, but I'm going blank over the contents of this question. Oh dear...I must get back to you sometime later, as this...this is a stumper.


DAMN! dear friendly neighbourhood Beemo you are losing your touch, not being able to simply hand out advice any more! hmm maybe my question was too much for your computer system to handle...? Ah but I have just come to the realisation, why the heck would you know, you sir do not... Show more

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BOOM BABY! I'm back and ready to roll. Give me a couple days and my chapters will be published in a jiffy. "Lena" now has 9, I think.

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Hey everyone who visits this page! I won't be on for most of the entire summer. :( Sorry to drop this on ya! I'll be back around August and I promise I'll have big fat updates for my books! Yay! Hugs for everyone!

Btw, never let anyone tell you you're not good enough for them. Because you're good enough for you. And that's what matters...


That just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :*


:) I can't wait to hear from you soon

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Character Chart

Character’s full name: Alicia Holden Winters

Reason or meaning of name: Her mother liked Alison and her father like Alisha. So they compromised.

Character’s nickname: Lena

Reason for nickname: Alicia got really long and boring to say, and one day her BFF called her Lena, and it stuck.

Birth date: 12/21/1996

Blood type: AB-

Birth Sign: Sagittarius

Languages spoken: Spanish, Italian, French, and English.

Native... Show more

http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/baybayshoes/Kids-Converse-All-Star-XHi-Tall-Black-White-1.jpg http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/baybayshoes/Kids-Converse-All-Star-XHi-Tall-Black-White-1.jpg
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Maybe... I don't know...Probably

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Yay! >w<

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