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Books (1)
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"The Fulfillment" by S.E. Runyon is now available on and Barnes and I would appreciate a review on either site if you have read my book. I am currently writing the second novel in this series. It should be another year before this is on Bookrix and then at least six months before it is published.

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read wither of the works I put here. And thanks again to... Show more

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Unfortunately, I have had to take "The Fulfillment" off public view. It is in the process of being published in a softcover format. I will place a publication date and location to purchase the book when the process is complete.

I would like to thank all of the readers who have read or even taken a brief look at it. Your comments are still appreciated.

Thank you.

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I have been sooo busy that I have not had the time to meet and great or even converse with the community. It is my hope to improve this lack of communication

"In Stillness we find ourselves.
In Stillness all existence surrounds us."

F.C. Cavendish

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The sky is an ever changing image, an entity with a life of its own,yet connected to the land below. It is enticing in its clarity on a clear day. It is mesmerizing with brillant, clashing colors at sunset. It holds gentle breezes and contains raging winds. The sky needs to be admired. Look up and see the sky I see.

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Words of wisdom often look like just a bunch of horse dookie. Then you become older, more experienced and realize that not only were your parents smart, but their words of wisdom were words to heed.

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Help is on the way even if you are certain that you are all alone. You just have to keep hope alive in your heart.

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Sometimes life is difficult. And sometimes, life is incredibly difficult. It is as it is.

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Everyday is an adventure. Sometime the adventures are just interesting. Sometimes the adventures are difficult. Then again, sometimes the adventures are just plain fun. Enjoy!

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