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Books (2)
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Do you ever communicate with any of the now day singers? If so you should reccomend bookrix to some of them, I bet they will love it. You are a inspiration to me. I am glad to read what you have done in your life, and I bet alot of people enjoy getting to know you.

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My name is Roger Wells aka Roger Hart.

I seem to lead a strange life drifting between chaos and order. With a pathalogical dislike of the notion of ‘job’ … that is, selling life-time for money … I make a living from many different sources, and travel as much as I can, and am currently in Thailand.

I completed a BA in Fine Art at RMIT majoring in painting in the

After graduating I went on to be a singer and songwriter in... Show more

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I've been training people in Vipassana meditation methods for almost 20 years now.

I decided to develop an audio course to mirror my books and what I've been teaching.

The course includes 12 MP3's .. a total of 7 hours of lessons and exercises so that people can practice in their own time.

The way its designed is each 30 minute exercise forms a smooth progression from Basic Relaxation to Basic Meditation and finally to... Show more

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