Oka Jones
Oka Jones
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Books (1)
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Hey I really enjoyed your book please write more

Oka Jones

what did you think of the way i left it
and yes i already have formulated the next book


I think you should write more I dieting to know what happen to jackson he seems like a hero and needs love.
I like forward to reading more plz let me know when you next write a book
Have a nice day

Oka Jones

thanks for the feedback

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Oka Jones

Is anyone else's stuff in German all of a sudden
Outside of people's names and people's writing everything else is in German

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Deleted User

Bob, rob, job, cob......

Oka Jones


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Deleted User


don't worry about it.

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I love your sex scenes!!

8 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Oka Jones

What are your thoughts on them?
As far as being to full on or not enough?


They are perfect, i like the police woman one personally

Oka Jones

there is a couple more in the book but don't want to release to much till I put it up in full as a free read as it's finish as far as content just need to tidy it up before going to the editor which is what I hope the free read will allow people to give me feedback on what needs... Show more

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Deleted User

Stop commenting......
Havent you noticed that the bookrix has trouble loading or gets slower more and more you comment?...
I think this person is a hacker/creep.....
I also think he might have viruses attached on these messages......

6 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Oka Jones

Last night there was a scammer saying he was from the bank of Dubai and he had a important matter to descuss with about over a hundred of us terrible speller He spelt bothering as boardering lol


oh i had no clue thanks for the heads up

Oka Jones

No worries

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Oka Jones

A question for anyone who might know are beta readers a safe way to get feedback and if so how do you protect your self from a beta reader claiming your work


Well I suggest u trust ur gut feeling of who u let see ur work.


Sorry I never got to read it.

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