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Books (2)
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I was inspired to come back and write after much absence, after I listened to a video on one of my favorite authors Saul Bellows..<3

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Havent been here for awhile..ive been reading..and going through a tough writers block that last about a yr since a virus ate part of my writing..i recently took up writing again but im stuck on a character is suppose to build somethin he is an architect. The thing is i dont have anything in mind..does anybody have suggestion...or any monument,statue, that you dream off..thanks

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Well im just here to help and learn..about stuff..anyways ill like to learn about your most weirdest dreams..

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The Twister

What kind of book title are you wanting?? I would like to help but I don't know the genres of the book and blurb so it will be difficult to pick out a book title :/ So yeah reply back if you need help XD

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