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Books (4)
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Welcome to my hideaway

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I have 3 books done and going through final revisions, The Hostage was take n down for more editing which I hope to have done soon. I will be trying something new and fun to encourage more interest in my books and make them stand out. So wish me luck. Also The Hostage will be offered on Amazon and I hope The Oni and A.K.A Johnny Elf will find their way into the hands of actual publishers.

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H, J, Macey.

Taxi edit finished have added Synopsis, it is there if you want I'm leaving it on here for free. but sending it here to be published if it is accepted 'Erotic Pleasures Publishing'

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H, J, Macey.

Hi, have you been busy??


yea got published on amazon trying to get The Oni ready for it

H, J, Macey.

Oh, that is good news we should crack a bottle of Champers to celebrate, POP, Glug Glug 'Clink' Here's to your book!

H, J, Macey.

Oh By the by I am editing Taxi should be finished Wednesday if you haven't read it all by then I think I have made it more reader-friendly?


oh cool! Thanks for lett ing me know!

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H, J, Macey.

Where did The Oni go I didn't download it

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banned shit like faces of death cannabal holocoast etc

H, J, Macey.

Hell, are you sure you're not my sister re-incarnate Ops I'd better say no more?


one never knows most of my friends who mouthed off about buying my books read the sample and chickened out and it wasn't even the worst I can write hell I'm still saving crap for another piece o work

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H, J, Macey.

How are we feeling today in need of brightening up? well, let's see if I can make you smile! Your Scarlett blindfold has inspired me to call you my Scarlett fan-fertile. ( If that's the way you spell it.) An alluring Lady full of mystery, who behind the mask has a secret life that can bring pleasure or pain. ( And from your books Pain is in abundance. )


Thank you Hun working behind the scene to help the family.. I have several masks I wear if I could put picks on my profile I would. As to pain ahhhh pinhead said it best...please no tears, it's a waste of good suffering

H, J, Macey.

Glad to be your FOOL call on me anytime?

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Please forgive me everyone I have lost a family member and I will be off and on until after the funeral.

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Idk why I am not able to comment on your book :T I wanted to say it's amazing . Keep writing.❤

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Can't wait to read some of your works, you seem promising.

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Thanks! I have some up already, but they are all going through some editing, most of them aren't quite yet the way I want them to be.


My book has been published it's free

Deleted User

Alright, thank you.

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Got three books in the works 2 are done and just doing final editing. I would love to know how to get chapter by chapter advice on my writing. I am a member of fan fiction and fiction press


What kind of fan fiction do you like to write/read?


um Ive done romance for x-men, wreck it Ralph, working on a horror for Leprechaun since it's been playing every where did a very short he never died stint


Wow! You're a lot braver than I am, lol. My fan fiction has been confined to writing "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" as a novel. I'm deeply impressed!

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