Nabila Abbas
Nabila Abbas
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Nabila Abbas

I've Seen people ............
I've seen castles made out of sand,
met people who believe destiny is engraved on the palm of their hands.
I've seen people change their faith,
experienced love change into hate.
I've seen people grow younger with age,
and a bird who wouldn't fly out of an open cage.
I've seen people selling love for money,
people who are devastated inside but outside they're funny.
I've learned to expect the un... Show more


yeah i 've seen people change their faith or change into hate but love is not selling for money

Nabila Abbas

Bro, its happening every where now a days. Keep focusing on the society with deep kissed eyes.


expectation is not good from people like friend and other people you will be happy if you do not expect any thing from any one


yeah its dame true i know but i do not expect any thing from my best friend even my family member

Nabila Abbas

I'm not expecting its just keen observation as well as somehow experiences

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