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You are so young and so beautiful, but why asthma has to get you at a very tender age? Hope to get away with it, as you grow up! My prayers are always with you. Good luck!

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Gruppenbundeswahl Alt gegen Neu -Tag der offene Tür - Community Gruppe |BookRix Gruppe Gruppenbundeswahl Alt gegen Neu -Tag der offene Tür – Mach mit in unserer Buch Community und treffe Leser und Autoren in der Gruppe Gruppenbundeswahl Alt gegen Neu -Tag der offene Tür. Rund ums Buch informieren, diskutieren und Leute kennenlernen.
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Now you caught my interest so........??

Where is it??

(Secret Soulmates, of course) ;)

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Hi please could you read my book- born to die? If you do like it, i would appreciate it if you would vote it for the competition too :) thank you so much, chloe x

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new chapter on lost love^_^
hope you can check it out and new cover hope you like it, took long to make but hope it is better than the last.

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