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Books (3)
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I have just read "Demon Girl" and thought it was fantastic. I immediately searched Google for the next in the series and found this site. I have downloaded "Demon Day" and now will go off and devour your next book. Thanks for the wonderful story and keep up the good work. I think you have a great storytelling gift so keep writing.

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Hey, I would love too read your books but i cannt, cause the print u have it in is way to small, as a writer myself i habee learned from my fans who have read my books too make the print rewally big. just giving a huge tip. Ciao

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What are our thoughts on video promo's for books?

I did one for mine, since I saw a few and thought it looked pretty cool.

Not sure about the posting rules on this site yet, so I'll say if you check out the website link on my profile, you can view the promo for The Demon Girl on there


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mf Harris

Hi I know I have sent out a mass message about this already but I wanted to cover all avenues!!! My book is NOT all on here, nor have I asked, advised, or even wanted people to vote for my contest entry without reading my excerpt!!! I am an author whether I am published or not and as one we all know that it is not about the popularity it is about the love of our story! Why in the world would I want anyone to pass up reading... Show more

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I'm working on three new Manuscripts;

1) A Demon Day sequel to The Demon girl
2) Tuple, a book about psychic Triplets
3) Untitled, an angles and demons romance with a fierce kick. I've had enough of these soppy love stories!

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Hai! Thanks for stopping by. A little about me, I want to write something worth remembering. I have a suspicion it will take most of my life, but I'm okay with that. I write fantasy, which to date has fallen into the young adult readership. I listen more than I speak and skip from one thought to the other quite fast. I love to smile, and my favorite thing to do in the whole world is to read. If you've read my new Urban... Show more

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I've just finished Demon Girl and incredibly loved it, I just downloaded Demon Day and gonna start reading that now. I really liked how everything in Demon Girl was happening one after the other without any pause, but maybe it wouldn't have hurt if you had put in some breathing... Show more

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