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Books (4)
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your great at anime :D

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I have stared writing a book about my friend who has ended up in hospital but it will take time to write because I am still writing Un human, where danger lies, Team Animal and I couple of other books -_-

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Yay! I have alway wanted to write a horror story and now I have started to write one :D

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Need more of your book up here Mi-chan! I know you've changed some things since we read it the first time so long ago, and I wanna know what they are!
Also, I am currently taking a five minute break from writing 'Seeing Fate', Chapter 5, 'Hell's Angel'.

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Milly, I think you need a Beta reader before you put stuff up. It's still full of bad grammar and spellings. Oh yeah! I joined BookRix, as you can see. :D

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Writing a series at the moment but it wont be on bookrix for a long time :) xxxxx

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heya babes, you should get people like Reeyan and Maddy to get it love ya :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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