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I just went through some of my messages seeing as I have over 107234... well I think that happens sense I haven't been on here about a year... but anyway I have deleted one of my stories. I just couldn't get in that writing mood with it and I have been having a lot of writers block when ever I try to write anything so I don't know if I am going to keep my other story.....

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Dear Readers:) ,

I have messaged you because you either are my friends on bookrix or you heart-ed one of my books.:) I appreciate it:D

If you haven't realize, I'm not active on bookrix anymore:( Sorry for that. Im just so fed up with bookrix because it keeps deleting my chapters and i have to start all over again. It happened the first time to Stuck in Hell. And I decided to start over and just rewrite. I almost finished the... Show more

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Ich weiß ich weiß.
Es nervt jeden. Ist sehr unbeliebt. Und jeder macht es trotzdem
Ok noch ein Tipp: Es ist NICHT das Rauchen ;D
So langsam ratterts doch...ODER?? *langsam verzweifelt guck*

Na also geht doch!!

Dräng nicht so ich hab ja ZEIT. DU vielleicht nicht. Tja dann solltest du jetzt besser aufhören.

Jetzt haben wir beide wohl ZEIT
Und da du und ich ZEIT haben
kannst du dir ja auch die ZEIT nehmen
dir mein Buch anzusehen.

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Hi there I have made an update on 'His Full House'. I'll most be pleasured if you comment on what you think and how you feel about the book so far. I do hope you enjoy and thank you for giving me a heart on my book.

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Thank you for the comment on my book, it means a lot. I am a beginner too, and I have been meaning to read your book--I just noticed you posted another one. I haven't been able to read lately because I have been writing on my next book. It seems to have me completely consumed lately :) But I will definitely check it out when I get a chance! and thanks again!

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