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Books (3)
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Hey!! I just wanted to say thanks for the heart and comment on my book Vampires Kiss!!! I'm about to start working on it right now!! So thanks again!!! Keep reading and watching for updates!!!
< xxx3 Laney

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ich wollte mal ein bisschen Werbung für mein Buch "Hieme und Jarai - Ein Wintermärchen" machen
Ich nehme nämlich damit am Wintermärchen-Wettbewerb teil und brauche ein wenig Unterstützung damit ich nicht ganz ohne Pokale dastehe
Das Buch ist abgeschlossen
Hier sind der Klappentext und der Link:

Vor langer Zeit lebte in einem kalten Land ein Mädchen namens Jarai. An ihrem 18.Geburtstag wird sie zum Wohle ihres Dorfes dem... Show more

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actually i couldnt tell you xD i dont really know, but im on wattpad, sadly its better than bookrix cause well, it just is, plue they have a great yaoi selection

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I try and update my books as often as I can. So, just message me if you really need a helping of my creativity. I will try and deal it out, and thank you for reading, means a lot to this young writer. (ME!) Also, message me if you really need a spoiler alert of any of my books.
just. your. issue

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i have two recomended books for you, one is called Stepbrothers (its so funny and sweet) on wattpad.com and French kisses dont have cooties on aarinfantasy (that one is very very sweet and it made my cry ;))

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i just want to let you know that I LOVVVEE YOUR BOOKS but i dont heart em cause tht be givvin u freebies xD jk i always forget!

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