Ursula Frank-Pegg
Ursula Frank-Pegg
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Books (5)
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I just finished reading the book "The Dreamer". I have known the Author for many many years, we have been friends forever. I know her daughter and people she wrote about, it is absolutely fascinating to read about someone you know. Not only that she wrote one chapter about me. Her dreams have helped me through some terribly difficult times. She was the most calming person I have ever met. We are both born in Germany and that... Show more

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Ursula Frank-Pegg

this book was uploaded yesterday and was definitely
'saved" , but I cannot find it anywhere. I cannot understand this and need help desperately.
the text is in German. please tell me what further steps i have to take
I feel like a sinking ship. Please let me know if it is unacceptable to you and don't keep me hanging.
best, Ursula Frank-Pegg

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Is it your book or someone else's? If yours, click on create a book and make a pretend title. When the tab changes, look up under the Bookrix logo and search for In Progress books. Click it andd see if it's there. once there, make sure to click Publish book.

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Ursula Frank-Pegg

ich moechte gern diesmal in deutsch schreiben "von Leben und Tod",
Es geht hier um mein "vorerleben" und zwar den moment, wo die seele vom koerper flieht.
beim "wiedererleben" handelt es sich um dramen laengst vergangener Zeiten, die in den tiefen unserer seele aufgespeichert sind.
dazu gehoert natuerlich das jetzige leben mit den schwaechen, die mir auffielen, die tierliebe, so wichtig in unserem leben, sowie das wunder des... Show more

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