K.D Smith
K.D Smith
K.D Smith is Offline.
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Kale Slade

every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep, at least 15 people in this world love you.............. the only reason someone would hate you is because they want to be just like you there are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you. you mean the world to someone. someone that you don't even know exists loves you. when you make the biggest mistake ever, something good good comes from it. when... Show more

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Deleted User

If u were killed I wouldn't be at ur funeral.... I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed u. We are true friends. We ride together we die together. Send this to everybody u care about, including me if u care... See how many times u get this. I want u to know u are an amazing friend till by death and forever. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for u. Once u read the letter u must send it to 15... Show more

Important Post
K.D Smith

You see that 15 year old girl holding hands with her one year old son you called a slut? She was raped at 13. You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby? His best friend commited suicide last night. You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises? She is abused by her parents. You see that bald woman you made fun of? She is dying of breast cancer. You see that old man you called ugly? He... Show more


I cry reading this

smile cause happy

sooo sad :[

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Deleted User

thanx for adding both 'BROKEN' and My Beloved to ur favs!!!!!!
it means alot

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Thank you for adding my book to your favorites. I look forward to your comments!

6 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

That's pretty much all I do, lol. I'm an author, an editor, a voice and piano teacher, a mom, a housewife, and my head is filled with hundreds and hundreds of more stories screaming to be let out. 'D

K.D Smith

Awesome u go girl

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KiKi XoXo

Hey there new friend! Thanks for the request! Hope you have a good day, and please check out some of my books series!



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Thank you so much for the heart on my book 'My Personal Hell' :)

1 Comment
K.D Smith

of course its great u r a wonderful writer :)

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The Twister

Hey!! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my books! I'm mostly looking for feedback both negative and positive but mostly negative so I can improve my book more! I would mean alot if you did check it out for me! I have 3 books, you can choose one of them I dont really mind, please do give me a review on my book please! I would really appreciate this! <3

Complicated love:
... Show more

Complicated Love (On hold, currently being re-written). Would you fall for an Asshole? Love can happen when you least expect it... thats why love is such a bitch! https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-the-twister-complicated-love-on-hold-currently-being-re-written/ Consider Lena's view of the people in Trinity Academy. Her first day wasn't such a good start as she got into a fight and was then placed in the same class with the girl's "current" boyfriend who n...
K.D Smith

sure thing :)

The Twister

Aww thank you <3

K.D Smith

no bigge wear frenz rite ;)

K.D Smith

have 2 go latez

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