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I think all of your booms are amazing but I love Fighting Thy Master plz update

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Also. I have more books I want to put up but im going ot see how the updated chapter in Fighting Thy Master and the new one Never Forget the Past Does first. Thanks~

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OK peep, I have some stuff to slide your way,
some new works of fiction that comes from my brain,
worlds apart and apart of my world
Ill show whats written, only in Fiction


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Thanks Luckyboy911 I would recommend the Breed books by Lora Leigh I love her books I own two but i'm trying to get the other books. I hope you like the update.

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Thanks :) the background is from the book 'Kiss of Snow' by Nalini Singh as part of the Psy/Changeling series which I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone :) Thank for the update I will check it out :)

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Sorry I havent been on for a while :( Family and school but its summer and Imma be on more I promise :D
FOr those who DOnt know me Understand....

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wanted to let you know I am putting out a new book. It is the second in red moon series. just so you know it is male/male. it has paranormal theme like my other books. if you read it let me know if you like it.

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I would like to give you a look at my first eBook that has done the step from a german book, to the english version. It´s now available on amazon.com

The title is "The Curse - Touch of eternity"


I would be happy, if you would have a look on the reading sample with the look inside.

A centuries old... Show more

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