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Du magst Fantasie? Liebesgeschichten mit Verzweiflung, Angst und Leidenschaft? Dann guck doch einfach einmal in eines meiner Bücher rein :) Magst du es nicht? dann ignoriere den Post einfach :)
Mein weitestes Buch ist: http://www.bookrix.de/_ebook-inca-nadine-staeck-your-choice-good-or-bad-guy/
Der klappentext:
Erst musste ich zu meiner Mum ziehen, die mich eigentlich hasste. Und dann zogen wir auch noch zu ihrem Lover! Es... Show more

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its been 3 years and no update still.. Any chances of a update on this book wanted or do i just let go of it like the other books i have read which has never been updated and now no hope of it getting updated also. Please reply

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Arrrangement for Miseria has been updated!!!, please message me with any tips on how I could make it better or email me @ lilliethrasher@gmail.com please.
Thank you,

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thank you for the star on my book ^=^ don't know if you wanted to know or not but another chapter is up :)

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Hi just wanted to say thinks again. I really appreciated it.


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