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Books (18)
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Wow! its so hard to believe that it has been 6 years since i first found this site. I have Lived and Loved on this site, met amazing people from around the world. I am 26 year, with 3 beautiful babies. In a relationship with Bryan, living in my home town. I plan to continue to update my books and write plenty more books and short stories.

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Lots and lots of change since i First found this site..... Many different stories i have to tell. I have been threw some hell, the last few years. But this time i think i really found my happy ending. I know life isn't all about finding love i just fall so hard. I plan to start writing a lot more books I miss it. Gotta do late night writing with having a 3 month old, also coaching my 6 year old's Softball Team, and having my... Show more

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