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Books (5)
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I'm currently putting the finishing touches on a screen sript from my 4th book ( Hunted: The Last Resort) and have until the 10th of August, 2013 to have it ready for review. Then I can get back on my new novel ( A sequel to: A Sea of Glass)'

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Hi Ellen,
Forgive the long delay in answering your note. I worked with more than my share of technical manuals when I worked for the Boeing Airplane Company, doing Depot Level maintenance on the K-135 Aerial Refueling Aircraft, writing manufacturing plans for the various shops and reviewing the actual maintenance manuals for the various models of aircraft we dealt with. I was astounded to find out (the hard way by being... Show more

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I've been to New Orleans but it was a medical trip. I love to read science fiction and am presently writing one about the Emerald Planet. It includes dragons, vampires of a sort (use energy from others not blood) and a planet that was used for mining but had hidden cities.

I wrote technical manuals for computer programs and when I retired I taught Yoga, Pilates and Water classes. Now, I want to write. My husband supports the... Show more

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Thanks! Looking forward to reading some of your stuff!

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