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Books (6)
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Hey guys since I have completed two of a four part series, I have decided to post the first two chapters of the final story within the Williams series and guess what....It's not about Jordan and Denise. It's actually about Kalen and Timothy. Thought of a very long time ago when I decided to write Broken. So anyhow, here is a preview of Kalen and Timothy's life. I haven't decided on What to call it just yet. It will be broken... Show more

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Hi Guys this is Brandy. I know I haven't finished Broken yet, it's been a long time since I've actually completed a chapter. I just want to let you guys know that my intention is to finish writing this book because I do have two other books that may go with this series. I know for sure there is one about Kalen Rawsin coming up but I'm still determining if I want to write a novel about Craig because he is a part of The... Show more

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Hello Everyone, It's me Brandy. I just wanted everyone to know I am still working on Broken. As we speak, I am writing the next chapter and hope to have it up before the new year. It 12:06 A.M my time and I am still working on Broken. As Promised, I have the first part of chapter one about Kalen and Timothy, who are brother and sister to post now. The book of theirs will not be worked on until I finish broken. If you need... Show more

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Everyone my novel all signs point to yoou will be taken off book rix on April first, so anyone who is reading it should finish up within the next few days. I'm editing it now and will be reposting it for sale, so it will be all fixed up. :)

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You're Christian? Well that's great, even though I'm one. Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say hello, you look like a cool person to talk to.


Hello A.M. Alsha. I was thinking of changing my profile to not christian considering the content of my book.

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Oh well, just because your book is like that, doesn't mean you are.

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WOW thank you! I can't even begin to say how great I find you right now! Thank you for adding my sotry to your favourites and for answering to my question about editing and everything else!
The story I was talking about in my question for editing, however, is not uploaded to bookrix yet. It is quite short, so it shoudn't be that much work. This week is examination week at my university, after that I have a life again and I... Show more


That sounds great. Good luck on your schooling and I think your writing skills are very good. I love a good plot that is so enthralling it can captivate you with the first paragraph and that's how your story is so far.

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THANK YOU is not a strong enough word to express my gratitude!

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