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Books (5)
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Good evening! I have finally updated my third book. I apologize for the unbelievable delay. I am now at a point where I can finish. Please enjoy. LL

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You should really put your books on and app called wattpad . Also if you have any questions please e-mail me at I really think that you have a better chance for millions of people to enjoy your amazing stories .

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Can u please tell me when are u going to update your book.. The other 2 write off was amazing and i love it so much please update taming the enemy book soon or let me know as to when u planning to do so !!!

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I have to complement The Venus Guardians Series book it is well deserve an applause because your books are very well written and really tell a story that takes my imagination way beyond. Keep up you good work and keep me posted on Taming the enemy.

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please update your book . I would like to know what happens next. thx

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To all of you who have been very patient....I FINALLY finished my internship and have finished my Master's degree. YAY! I have more time for writing and to pick up where I left off in Book 3 Taming the Enemy. An update will be coming very soon. Keep yall posted. L.L.

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Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment! I just recently earned my Bachelor's. Yay for us!

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Hi how have you been you haven't been on so I hope your ok

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hey, ive been ok. been very busy with work and my internship. havent been on too much or have had time to update and write on my third book. i hope to get to some work done soon. thanks again for the message. L.L.

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I have read them they are wonderful I added your latest as a favorite so I can watch for updates

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Hey there!
Although she’ll probably kill me for this, I have a friend whose book I think deserves to be more widely read.
She’s participating in the Flash Fiction contest, and I know for sure she would love it if you could check out her book, Shot in the Dark.
Here is the link.
I really would appreciate it if you could take a few moment of your life to check it out.

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Kanichiwa! =3

Ich hoffe, ich störe nicht, doch möchte ich auch mal eigene Werbung machen, da man ohne Werbung ja nicht weit kommt.^^
Also, ohne um den Brei herum zu reden, möchte ich dir meine neue Story vorstellen:

Das Leben des 5-jährigen Todd Wallace soll sich innerhalb weniger Tage schlagartig ändern. Er geht durch die Hölle und muss seine Familie verlassen. Er wird von einem merkwürdigen Priester begleitet, doch was führt... Show more

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