Apurva Gaglani
Apurva Gaglani
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Apurva Gaglani

Significance of the Ramayana
All Hindus must read the Ramayana well . For those Hindus who / hwo have read the Ramayana well , will ensure that there is no Ramayana taking Place in their house and for those Hindus who / hwo haven't read the Ramayana well , there is a Ramayana in every house . In either case , you need the Ramayana .

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Apurva Gaglani

I love to communicate and keep the communication with strangers , mob , crowd , citizens , public and the people .

However I wish to qeep no communication with civilians who have confined their secrets in the coffins of their own selves and have nothing to share with the outside world . Civilians are requested to be at a distance . )

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Apurva Gaglani

The world today needs many more Socrates', Aristotles and Dalai Lamas. It needs no Newton, Einstein or Bill Gates.

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BS Murthy

Dear Ms. Apurva:
May like to read my Bhagvad-Gita: treatise of Self-help in contemporary verses sans inane interpolations at Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.us/eBooks/WPLBN0002097652-Bhagvad-Gita-Treatise-of-Self-Help-by-Murthy-B-S-.aspx?
and hear it read in YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vFU3-LD4iM
BS Murthy

Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help By BS Murthy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vFU3-LD4iM “Bhagvad-Gita is the most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue” – so opined William von Humboldt, who wrote seven...
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Apurva Gaglani

Truth makes its appearance while falsehood withers and fades away.

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but after how long ?....falsehood took too much time b4 faded away

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Apurva Gaglani

Lines on Change:

They say:
1) The only thing constant is change
2) Nothing is more permanent than change
3) Change is life
4) Change is the law of life
5) Change is inevitable

I say:
1) The heart beat is more constant than change
2) Change cannot be permanent because the change itself is changing
3) If change is life, you haven't felt your heart beats
4) It is karma and not change that is the law of life
5) If change is inevitable, your... Show more

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agreed...... changes r as necessary as ur breath for life

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Apurva Gaglani

Let not your day of confusion and your dusk of fatigue, lead you to a night of despair.

May your days be cheerful
And your nights be of clarity.

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Apurva Gaglani

The height of human mischief is that the earth is not properly taken care of, and human beings have embarked onto space.

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