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<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?-amayaroxkz

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Lol my real name is Rain Sequoiah! I blame my mother for being reeeeaaaally weird when it comes to naming her children! if she would have went with my father's name choices, my name would have been Amber Sequoiah.....

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I'm the only person in the WORLD with the name Rain Sequoiah..... It's a lonely road.... jk I love Greenday!!! but it really is annoying when people are like "THAT'S YOUR REAL NAME?!". and plus I have dread locks AND I'm an outcast.... so it's kinda easy to point me out. BUT at... Show more


Awww. Me too i love Greenday. I could imagine it being annoying. Ahh that's lucky, i know quite a few people with the same name as me


I'm the only one in my WHOLE family with a weird name.... and all my friends have normal names so I just look at it as if I was a really cool ninja or something. I got bullied most of my life, when I was little the kids song "Rain Rain go away come again another day!". Now I... Show more

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I havent left! Im on another website similar to here called as ive got a new book on there i am trying to balance out the time of me updating rain on here and there as well as my new book. Thought i should let you all know from my pinboard as well as messages.

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Wir wollten nochmal daran erinnern, dass seit dem 1.Februar der <b>Manga-Wettbewerb</b> im vollen Gange ist!
Lest euch die Regeln durch und los gehts! Egal ob traditionell oder digital, ran an die Stifte! Zeig uns, was in dir steckt!
Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß dabei, die Bilder zu kreiiren. (In diesem Monat gibt es ja noch kein Thema, dass heißt es ist ganz deiner Fantasy überlassen.)

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O.M.G.i like anime and manga too,i mean am crezy about it,i can't belive there is a person like me and i was thinking i was a wrido for loving manga and anime when my family and friends hated it and is nice to meet u.

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are you going to finish rain??

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hi hi one like your book two i have a book in progress called fallen angel take a look ^^

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Hey everyone reading this!
I'm wtriting a new book kinda.
It's like a step up from "Rain"...
But it's her dairy from when she was 15.
So there is going to be a kind of change in story
Within this one.
date will be releaseed soon.
Thanks Amayaroxkz

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