Dr.  Olusola Coker
Dr. Olusola Coker
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Books (42)
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Dr. Olusola Coker

You are always a part of life's equation.

We lose our true power when we feel disconnected. That power is the sensation of being at one with life–of being a vital component of it. The human 'dis-ease,' once again, is that we feel disconnected from and helpless over the currents of our lives.

We build a powerful inner conviction that allows us to believe and have faith in whatever is happening when we realign ourselves with the... Show more

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Dr. Olusola Coker

Arise and fight the Devil ones and for All
You cannot continue to weep and keep silence, enough is enough, you need to rise up now and fight the Devil ones and for all. According to the book of 1st Samuel 30 verse 8 which says, shall I purse after this troops? Shall I over take them, ? And the Lord answered him purse for thou shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all. Looking at the above scripture, you will... Show more

Important Post
Dr. Olusola Coker

Meaning of Worry and the consequences

“Worry turns a small thing a big shadow”
The Dictionary gives us the following definition: To feel uneasy or concerned about something; be troubled.

Worry is that sense of fear that can overcome you in relation to your work or an illness or other situations. A few individuals even suffer from panic attacks where their level of worry is so high that it's debilitating. We worry about the... Show more

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