All Search Results „short story“

4264 search results were found for the search term „short story“.

Books (4253)

Short story
Jaycee4 Short story

Short story

  • Short Story
  • English
  • 490 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 912
  • 0

Keywords: Fictiom

For Free

Murdered by love [The Short Story]
Shawnee Rose Murdered by love [The Short Story]

Really short story (15 words)

  • Short Story
  • English
  • 18 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 745
  • 4

Keywords: short story, death, love, betrayal

For Free

My New Life (Short Story)
Matthew Aakay My New Life (Short Story)
  • Romance
  • English
  • 684 Words
  • Ages 10 and up
  • 815
  • 2
So I made this short story in 2010 when I meet this girl ONCE at work, and thought [more]

Keywords: Short, Story, Jack, Romance

For Free

A short short story
Ireland McBride A short short story

A short short story i can do this!

  • Fairy Tale
  • English
  • 20 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 752
  • 1
I hope you enjoy this 15 word story!!! i worked hard and please enjoy it anyway i need [more]

Keywords: yay this is really cool book

For Free

Short Story 1
Michelle B. Short Story 1
  • Short Story
  • English
  • 421 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 443
  • 2
Here is a random short story I wrote for school. I'm thinking of continuing it, making it a [more]

Keywords: mystery

For Free

Groups (7)

Short Story Writers
Short Story Writers
  • 1 Member
Any one is welcome writing a short story and wants to talk about it.
Short Story Contests
Short Story Contests
  • 22 Members
We have a new short story contest and we need readers to come and help judge them. There are only 5 so come take a look, read through them, and then click on the amount of stars you want to give them. The winner gets published, so check it out. Visit the Stories Here
Sci-Fi Short Story Contest!
Sci-Fi Short Story Contest!
  • 29 Members is on the hunt for fresh meat in the form of sci-fi short stories. This is one of their biggest entertainment projects ever and ANYONE can enter! 1st Place – The 1st place winner will be a part of an international online writing project 2nd Place - $75 Amazon gift card 3rd Place - $75 Amazon gift card -Your story MUST: 1. be between 600-1000 words in length 2. be set in the year 2020 3. have a harsh, uncompromising future 4. be located in an urban/city environment 5. contain robots 6. NOT contain non-human creatures/aliens (robots are the exception) How to enter: Link your completed short story in the contest entry thread by September 1, 2013. Judging and Prizes: An independent jury will determine the 3 winners. The .de side of BookRix is also taking part in this contest in a separate entry thread therefore, only 3 winners will be chosen between the English and German communities of BookRix. If you have any questions regarding this contest, please contact member, lila2,
drabbels & short stories
drabbels & short stories
  • 7 Members
drabbels sind eine feine sache. manchmal aber wäre der ganze text ruiniert, wenn s gerade nicht 100 sind. dann ist es eben eine short story (ich sage auch gerne microessay dazu). der begriff kurzgeschichte ist ja leider ein bisschen aus der mode gekommen - schade. viele meinungen dazu sind willkommen!
Bringing Us Writers Closer Together
Bringing Us Writers Closer Together
  • 18 Members
This is for us all to get closer to each other. You can talk about anything in here that you want. Just for fun I'm going to once in a while start a line for a story and everybody writes one line after until we make a little short story. I've done it before and it can be a lot of fun. Afterwards I'll post the book and the under by it will have all your names :)

FAQs (2)

Can I sell a single book from an anthology or part of a book?
Can I sell a single book from an anthology or part of a book?

You can sell anything you wish. Poems, a short story, pieces of an anthology, anything you want to sell. This is up to you, however keep in mind there is a 2000 word minimum required for ebook publication.

Rejection Prevention
Rejection Prevention

Rejection Prevention - BookRix, as well as external shops, have quality control over the books placed for sale. Books that don't pass quality inspection will be rejected. When this occurs, they are not sent for distribution to our external shops and they cannot be purchased.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent your eBook from being rejected:


Put some effort into your eBook cover. A great cover can sell twice as many eBooks than one with a poor cover. It’s the first thing your reader sees and it’s often the first thing you book is judged on.

Be sure the images used on your cover (as well as images used inside your eBook) belong to you and are not protected by copyright. If you are unsure, we strongly recommend creating your own cover art or soliciting someone to create a cover for you.

Using a high quality image is essential for your book cover. Avoid images that are too small as these images can appear pixilated when enlarged for your book cover. Also avoid using images that contain text as it can conflict  with the title of your book and look unprofessional.

Hate messages and/or symbols, sexually explicit images or images containing illegal activity are not permitted.

If you are looking for graphic programs, ideas, tips or even someone to create a cover for you, check out our Art Writers group on BookRix:

For more helpful information about covers, please click here:

Grammar & Spelling

Good writing involves proper grammar and accurate spelling.

We recommend that you have various readers review your work prior to publishing it. These “test readers” should check specifically for grammar and spelling. Your book will be rejected if it’s poorly written, appears confusing or has too many spelling and grammatical errors.

If you need assistance editing your eBook, please join our “Editing 101” group here: and our members can help you further.

If you feel as though you need some additional assistance, we encourage you to check out our Publishing Tips and Tricks series. Part 7 focuses specifically on spelling, grammar and typos. You can read it for free here:

Blurb / Book Description

First impressions matter.

When a potential reader views your book, the first thing they read after the title is your book description. Don’t overlook this step. You want to entice your reader by being creative and using descriptive words. Focus on what you want to say, choose your sentences carefully, and make it count.

Books with generic or weak blurbs can be rejected. Put some thought this space. You have a minimum of 140 characters and a maximum of 3000. If you need some inspiration or ideas, look up some of your favorite books and read the synopsis.

Copyrighted Text / Images

If the image is not owned by you, or you have not received permission from the owner to use the image, don’t use it.

Books containing copyrighted material (text and/or images) will be rejected. If you do not own the rights to it, you are not authorized to upload it. Any copyright violation made by a BookRix member is their own responsibility and legal action can be taken by the copyright holder against you.

Author Name, Pen names and Anonymity

To prevent your book from being rejected in external shops like Kobo, iTunes and Amazon, a first and last name are required. A pen name can be chosen, however it must be a first and last name and cannot contain titles such as PhD, Mr., etc.

Table of Contents & Page Numbers

These are automatic. Manual input is not necessary.

A table of contents is automatically generated for your book (with a minimum of cover, body of your text and the imprint), when the chapter feature is used, and you will not need to create an additional table of contents. If you enabled the Chapter function and entered a table of contents manually in your text area, please remove the manual table of contents as this can cause your eBook to be rejected.

Page numbers are automatically inserted into ePub files and eReaders. Please remove manually inserted page numbers in your text, as having them can cause your eBook to be rejected.

External Links/ Shop Names

Avoid a conflict of interest.

Your eBook will be rejected from external shops if you post links to books and/or products within your book. In addition, you are not permitted to mention names of online shops. Books containing names to online shops, such as iTunes or Barnes & Noble, will also be rejected.

Authors are free to insert links to their author page, sources for education and finance, help sites, businesses, etc., However “Direct-to-buy” links are not permitted.

Word, Line, & Page Breaks / Formatting

Presentation is everything.

Words on a page attract a reader but the way they are laid out on a page is equally important. The formatting of your eBook is essential to it being well received.

Most external shops have formatting standards that they require all authors to abide by. Stores like iTunes will reject books that have more than 2 line breaks and/or page breaks. This extra spaceing can cause blank pages in an eReader. Colored or bold fonts can also cause a book to be rejected.

Most eReaders are designed to break words for you. When a word at the end of a line doesn’t fit properly, don’t worry. Continue typing and the BookRix  editor will break a word when necessary. This also applies to hitting the “Enter” key on your keyboard and manually breaking a word. Doing this will distort your text and can cause your eBook to be rejected.

Keep it classic and clean and don't use the "Enter" key in excess as this will minimize your chances of getting rejected from the external shops.

Hate Messages

Hatred is not permitted.

Books containing hate messages directed to any race, ethnicity, gender, political party, religion, etc., will be rejected unless depicted in the plot of the story.

Illegal Activity

Illegal activity is not permitted.

Books containing illegal activity such as pedophilia, how-to’s for crimes, etc., will be rejected unless depicted in the plot of the story.

Book Pricing

Determine the appropriate price for your eBook.

A good thing to consider when pricing your book is the number of pages it contains. For example, if you penned a short story and intend to sell it for a high dollar amount, a potential buyer could be turned off by the price. If your book is priced too high, you may receive a message from us encouraging you to adjust it.

For helpful tips about pricing your book, please click here:

Click below for more Publishing Tips and Tricks:

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HERE for our ePub style guide that will help you prevent your eBook from rejection

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