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My first, full length novel of my Witch Clan Series, "Matriarch of the Witch Clan" has just been published in E-Book formats, Paperback and soon to come in Audio Book as well.

It's available at, Barnes & Nobles, Borders Books and just about anywhere books are sold. The sequel, "Warrior of the Witch Clan" will be hitting print later on this year. The... Show more

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and congratulations on your win!! that's a big deal--effective networking is an invaluable tool for writers, and you definitely have it. :D

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That was an entire week of phonecalls, emails and coworkers at the hospital campaigning for me. It became more of a "self promotion" contest than a "writing" contest. I think that's why some good authors never make it out of obscurity sometimes. Nobody's collected a dime yet, but I have to say that I got a lot out of this experience. Now I have to go write a ga-zillion "thank you" notes. ;-)


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hi, stormm--
thank you! (funny you mention novels, because i'm writing two of them now. :D)
congratulations on your huge turnout in the contest!!

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I'm not doing anything with Publish America. Most bookstores won't even do business with them. "Matriarch of the Witch Clan" is coming out through Double Dragon Publishing in ebook, audio and paperback. At one point, I was considering them and a friend steered me clear before I wasted anymore time. Tor, Daw Books and Chippewa were looking for more SciFi... my stuff lacks all the "plastic and rivets" in that area. My own... Show more

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I don't know how this is going to come out, but it's worlds better than I expected. It seems word is spreading through the ranks at Rochester General Hospital. It must have been a slow night. Thanks for all your support. I've been sweating this series for a couple years now and your feedback is a balm for an author's deepest anxieties.


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It looks like it's going to be a great series. Be sure to put me down for an author's copy for Matriarch. Hey, you're only 15 votes behind taking first place here. I'll talk this up in Surgical and ER and some of the other departments. When they hear our very own author is here, you'll be a shoo-in! CYA
Mad Mitch

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My first novel from my Tales of the Witch Clan series, "Matriarch of the Witch Clan" will be coming out in another month as an ebook, audio book and paperback, published by Double Dragon Publishing. Book two: "Warrior of the Witch Clan" will likely be published later in the year and Book Three: "Tales of the Witch Clan - Dark Heritage" will be ready for the editor before next autumn. Here's hoping for a successful series!


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A warm welcome from the BookRix Team :-)