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Eugy Enoch

When you face [certain] challenges in life, career, marriage, relationship, friendship, spirituality, etc and you don't offer a single thought, idea or solution but rather you bolt and find your way then you are of all people, most miserable and you have within you, the true nature of a coward.


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Eugy Enoch

This is my poem that earned me a place in the Scarlet Anatomy that was published recently, titled "ESTHER" (it is about a girl I once loved while in higher institution. All the love I had for her was intense in my heart and mind but I never got the chance to move beyond this.)
Enjoy the short piece titled Esther which I named after the Ebony beauty of the same name.


I was sitting... Show more

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Eugy Enoch

A famous author named Ernest Seton when turned 21, his father charged him for all of the expenses associated with his childhood, including the fee for at birth. He paid the bill, but changed his name and never spoke to his father again.

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Eugy Enoch

☜ ☜ ☜ An Awesome Story Of 4 boy
friends ☞ ☞ ☞
Once upon a time there was this girl
who had
four boyfriends.—She loved the 4th
boyfriend the most ‘n adored him
with rich
robes ‘n treated him to the finest of
She gave him nothing but the best.—
She also
loved the 3rd boyfriend very much ‘n
always showing him off to
kingdoms. However, she feared that
one day
he would leave her for another.—She
loved her 2nd... Show more

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Eugy Enoch

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Eugy Enoch

It's another day to smile and be happy.

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Eugy Enoch

If you wake up without a goal, go back to sleep.

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Eugy Enoch

Focus on the positives

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Deleted User

Thanx for recommending this group
to me means alot

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Eugy Enoch

I will be posting Author Wealth Creation Programmes using this platform. . . The intention is to create alternate sources of income for authors who publish on the internet.
See You then

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