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I am awed, uplifted and inspired by this beautiful book and those who made it possible. Wonderful job. Thanks everyone who contributed.

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Text, images, caring hearts and hands to remind us that Love can overcome great loss, and create a greater thing than would have been.

Mom Norfolk we miss you so much. Thanks for finding Dad Norfolk and producing such amazing offspring. Your loss is not possible to define, except now in terms of good from tragedy. Your great spirit guides and comforts... we of Eagle Nation honor and salute you.

Thanks to all who allowed their... Show more

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I can smile with saddness and wonderful memories of Mom Norfolk and her most precious family.May she always soar high in the skies looking over the beautiful Legacy she has left and may they all stay safe as she watches over them.Thank you for sharing to all who contribute,it certainly is a labor of love. Hugs

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This is a wonderful compilation of the NBG 2011 season. I feel honored and blessed to have shared the tears and the joys of thousands of others on this journey. Who knew one female eagle could bring a world together and raise the awareness of the plight of all wildlife? Mama Norfolk’s death did indeed “awaken the spirits in the mortals below.” Thank you, Sandy, for doing this and creating a memoriam for all to treasure and... Show more

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I thank each and every person who has come together to create this powerful book...which so richly captures our feelings,emotions,thoughts and memories. We, the eagle nation, are a powerfully connected group based on common bonds and love of the magnificant creatures that inspire us. Thanks to all who have given their time and talents to make this wonderful book a reality. I so highly value each and everyone one of you. Fly... Show more

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Sandy, Pam and all those involved from Eagle Nation - a beautiful tribute to "Mom" Norfolk. Congratulations! I can appreciate how much work went into this book and I applaud you! Thanks so much for sharing and allowing me to be a part of it. "Mom" Norfolk as she looks down from Rainbow Bridge is so very proud of y'all!

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Sandy, What an outstanding job of compiling and creating a book of our precious memories, stories and poems from the 2011 NBG Eagle season. You have worked tirelessly to put this together for all to see and it is amazing. Thank you so much for everything you have done to give us one single source to remember our love and times with our precious Norfolk Eagle family. HUGS and may Mom Norfolk continue to soar the heavenly thermals.