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Somebody That I Used To Know

I would appreciate it so very very much if you would read the beginning of my story and then give me some feedback and in-put.
Your opinions are greatly valued!,558,2322

Here is the Description: Enjoy! ;)

Laurel Carter has lost everything.
Stuck in an insane asylum that is beginning to destroy her.
She is losing hope and discovering loneliness.
That... Show more

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Wait! Why isn't this book completed? I need updates please

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please update this book is soooooooo good

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Deleted User

READ ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M 9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed haunted. The next day his friends waited for him outside the house...... They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went to the attic
. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left... Show more


is this real ?????????

Deleted User

hell no that shit is so fake



Deleted User


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Deleted User

You have to update. I read it last year, but I haven't seen any progress. I don't think she dies though....Everyone has one question in mind that is the same. Who is the mysterious person? For some reason I'm thinking that Elizabeth isn't dead though....Please update everyone is eager to find out the end.

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Sonn please add more!!!!

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Was that all? I mean... it had not yet ended right?
Update soon please.. :)

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What happened after that...?
Can you please finish it, it's a great book!

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I don't like when I see a book and want to read it and then I see all these comments saying it was good and you have to finish it, I don't like when I read it and I can't see what happens next.
It looks like a good book, and every book I have read does but I wish they were all finished.

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