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i loved it u have to continue it dosent matter people manely new what u were talking about and spice it up a litttle k but other than that it was good

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i loved it u have to continue it dosent matter people manely new what u were talking about and spice it up a litttle k but other than that it was good

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i loved it u have to continue it dosent matter people manely new what u were talking about and spice it up a litttle k but other than that it was good

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okay theere is some missign simple words to imply like 'of' okay?
But this story has a 'old times romance' and your saying 'KINDA?' all these 'modern' words are mixing badly in this batch, fixing it up isn't that hard. I'm sure you'll find it. The way their talking (so far) is so cliche in a way, make it more vague!

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its a wonderful story plot. and yes you did have alot of spelling, grammer, and sentence structure mistakes. you added alot of xtra words that made reading it confusing. what i would recomend is for you to read it outloud to yourself and everywhere it doesnt sound right reword the sentance...but if you want i could help really good at english


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You're writing is phenomenal! & the surprising twist was great! I loved it!
You MUST write again! Such brilliance! lol.

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it's a really nice story

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i was shocked by how different this was exelent story and im not the best speller either :D

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By the way, I wish your other stories were in English so I could read them! Are they all in German? Because sadly, I cannot read german...nor speak it. :D

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Oh, it was a truly wonderful story! I absolutely loved Ian, and Gabrial, and even anna...even though she was a crazy vampire who wanted to toy with Ian and then murder him! I read that your original language is german, and I noticed some mistakes...but not many! :D You should be proud! lol,thank you so much for writing this! It was fantastic!

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