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Leandra A

Thanks for adding my book "Maria, god of misfortune" even if it's only on its early stage :)

1 Comment
Leandra A

Its New year and one of my resolution is to finish the book hope that you'll like it :)

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Rayan Free

Thanks for adding me

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Praveen Crypty R

thnks fr favoriting my book Golder....

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Deleted User

Can u please tell me how books are viewed here? Do they only show completed books or can u read in progress books? If so I just created a book, but I'm not sure if its showing to the public, where do I check tht?

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Deleted User

Hi, thx for adding me to ur friendlist!!

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Sunkara Bhaskara Rao

I am happy to see good number of books here. It is a pleasant surprise that you are a published writer with good lot of books and eBooks published and I love to read and comeback to share my thoughts.


Thanks a lot. I will read your books and share my comments.

Sunkara Bhaskara Rao

I like looming moments. Wish you write from your heart felt moments.

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Somebody That I Used To Know

Thank you for adding 'Tourmaline' to your favorites! And also many thanks for your friend request!

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BS Murthy

Dear ms. Kalai:
You may enjoy reading my five following novels all set in India and available as free e-books at BookRix.
1_ Benign Flame: Saga of Love
2_ Crossing the Mirage - Passing through youth
3_Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life
4_Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel
5_Prey on the Prowl- A Crime Novel
Wishing you good literary times,
BS Murthy

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thank you so Much for adding my book ...Because I love you to your fav's!!

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Thank you for adding my book Mimi review to your fav's!!

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