Good morning world. What time is it where you are right now? By: Deleted User
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Good morning world. What time is it where you are right now? By: Wolfmoon
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Testing the notification/alerts By: jeffschanz
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Heya. I got some new notifications from some groups this morning. So I'm testing the waters by posting on this group to see if anyone else gets a notification for it.
Give a quick comment if you were notified.
If you are... hooray! This site is almost back to normal.


No notifications Jeff.


Thanks, S-M. I noticed. Sucks.

hi , i m new in bookrix , need help to know little about this By: shubham dogra
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hi , i m new in bookrix , need help to know little about this

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It used to be easier to communicate here. The Coffee Shop is just a group to chat about anything. Imagine you at at a coffee shop with friends, sitting at a table, and just chatting about whatever interests you.
Nowadays, it's harder to know when someone has posted/responded, so... Show more

I am confounded By: Dave
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It would appear I am allowed to initiate a conversation in a thread but I am restricted or not allowed to respond. This does not make sense if they are seeking to disallow the robots since that is what they do. They make a statement and do not expect to respond to others' comments. I'm totally confused. LOL


Let's see if I can respond today.


I assume you've contacted the admins?
Don't answer in words. Just blink once for Yes, and twice for No.

This comment was deleted.

I sent an email to the admins in an attempt to vouch for you. Sounds dumb, I know, but... What else can I do?
Someone needs to figure this out up there.


Ouch! The admins response to me was that you repeatedly violated their code and they have blocked you. Yikes! Dude, what did you do that they have issue with?
Email me if you like. I'm curious.

BookRix will not allow me to post By: Dave
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I have tried periodically and that is my current situation. I don't like it.


How about that, they allowed this one.


Its because of the porn bot thing. I think there's a vetting period. Try emailing the admins.


Strangely, you could start a post. ??? Weird.



Bring The Coffee Shop Back Online! By: usmcgunny
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Is anybody hanging around out there? This used to be the place for writer's to chew the fat and kick back. Chime in and say hey!


Love to but they have discontinued my ability to respond.


Hey. Its because of the notification mute. If/When that ever comes back, we'll be alright.


Checking in to say hello!

My Father By: Deleted User
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Dad was quite a card. Mom used to enter all kinds of contests she heard on the radio or read in the paper. She was working on a slogan for Carnation milk late one night then left it on the table. When Dad came in after midnight he fixed the fire for the night then noticed what she was working on. He played with it and when he was satisfied put it in the envelope. Mom absently sealed the envelope for one of us kids to mail as... Show more


That's hilarious.


How about that!!!I'm a deleted user. LOL

New BR set-up By: jeffschanz
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I'm liking the fact that we no longer get every detail of everyone's personal convos in threads we have no stakes in. Now, if we could just get notifications back for the groups we belong to and convos that actually involve us... we're set. Anyone know if that's coming back soon?

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Deleted User

I suspect not since no one knew you wrote this one.

The Coffee Shop By: usmcgunny
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When I originally joined BookRix in 2010,"The Coffee Shop" was the place to hang out, and write just about how you were feeling about writing. Post were about anything from writer's block to how bad your coffee tasted.

I'm trying to get back to writing now that I am fully retired. If you are a hard core original from back in the early days, my hat is off to you, you stuck it out. Have a great writing day our there, wherever... Show more


Howdy, Gunny. Just as FYI, I had no idea the groups were even accessible again. There was a rash of porn bots that infiltrated every comment on this site, and the admins shut down certain things to combat them, including notifications to group convos. Until i saw your post, I... Show more

Deleted User

Welcome back, gunny. Thanks for your service. We'll be watching for you around here and especially if they get notifications of entries back again soon.


jeffschanz & Deleted User, Thanks. I haven't been on BookRix for a while. I've noticed that it is not as filled with activity like it once was. The majority of the conversations here many years ago focus on writing more that anything else back then.

I have to dig more into the... Show more

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