Goodreads Book Giveaway June 1-30: Anatomy of a Poet, by C.J. Heck By: Deleted User
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My Retina's Nostalgia By: Kerim Mallée
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My Retina's Nostalgia

She has the smallest hands
I've ever seen
and fingerprints,
like ink-drops in zero gravity.
Reach me darling!
Reach me,
like the tiny shadows,
announcing darkness
in the corners of my eyes.
Her small hands...
she is moving them so slowly,
only with a feeling of motion,
but no motion
within her move.
Nothing more,
than an echo of existence,
described best
as a word,
crumbling before it's spelled.
Scene is,
this empty museum... Show more

Your Own Word's Prey By: Kerim Mallée
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Your Own Word's Prey

My biggest crime,
my most fatal guilt,
was believing
that the meaning of poetry,
is to transform thistles into roses.
But POETRY is just another word for CHANGE,
and there is no change,
when you take a thorny plant
and transmute it into a plant with thorns.
Writing is a cruel business.
You have to catch the world
which is encompassing you,
till the truth lies in front of you,
notched out and flayed.
You have to do... Show more

Please take a look at my book "Third World Poems" and write a review so I will know how to improv... By: Milan Viluan
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Please take a look at my book "Third World Poems" and write a review so I will know how to improve my craft. No words could express my gratitude.

plz read ! By: tasrubabu
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good news probably! i have written a new book of essay named X-ism : a new revelution in poetry by me. this is my research book on poetry. i have invented a new category of poetry named X-ism that is described in this book. what is X-ism and what is it's necessity ? to know read this book plz and comment me as a new writer.
link :

The Falling Leaves Of Cherry-Trees Don't be scared to point the fact that miracles exist. Yes, s... By: Kerim Mallée
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The Falling Leaves Of Cherry-Trees

Don't be scared to point the fact
that miracles exist.
Yes, some people will accuse you,
some will call it “a lie”,
but the world contains more
then idiots,
who hold wood and nails
behind there backs.
Yes, there is always someone,
who will build a messiah-trap.
They do so,
because they are blind
and humans only fear the unknown.
Make them know.
Make them see.
Because a life without beauty,
isn't a life,... Show more

Some of my English and German poems. By: Kerim Mallée
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Some of my English and German poems.

Voice/Stimme. Poems/Gedichte Poems in English and German. // Deutsche und Englische Gedichte.
Swedish Miles Did you know that one Swedish mile has a length of ten kilometres? No, I don't wan... By: Kerim Mallée
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Swedish Miles

Did you know that one Swedish mile
has a length of ten kilometres?
No, I don't want to go hiking
in Sweden with you.
Not today.
I just want to tell you,
the most talented architect
could build a skyscraper,
one billion Swedish miles high,
he won't feel as close to heaven,
as I do,
because of looking in your eyes.
Holy shit!
Normally I am an atheist,
but you played mind games with me
and I'm not sure anymore.
The problem with a... Show more

Do You Remember? Do you remember how life was, thinking that the moon was made out of cheese? Do... By: Kerim Mallée
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Do You Remember?

Do you remember how life was,
thinking that the moon was made out of cheese?
Do you remember how we
were t-shirt-suited knights,
how proud we looked wearing that harness?
While riding our bikes like horses,
we wore our helmets,
like they were made out of unbreakable steel.
Do you remember,
how I told you
that my grandfather was a magician?
In some way, he was!
Every grandfather was a wise magician that time.
Do you... Show more

1 Comment

Wow. I think thats beautiful

Hemingway's Shotgun One day I saw the smiling face of death, while I was looking in a bathroom-m... By: Kerim Mallée
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Hemingway's Shotgun

One day I saw the smiling face of death,
while I was looking in a bathroom-mirror,
after spending the night in the last motel
on a road going nowhere.
A strange place,
inhabited by even stranger people.
Angels who became atheists, living next door
to broken-heart-couples,
killing time on their honeymoon.
Novelists who have sold their souls
for poppy-field-born fantasies,
melting in the heat of candles,
on the... Show more

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