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This book is really amazing are going to continue this book and by the way the comments from peoples are years ago are u still here

1 Comment

Hi, yes I am still around, I only just found my draft copy of Forbidden Love, and started working on it again recently. I feared I lost it all but thankfully found the hard copy. Making a few small changes and will update ASAP. Thanks for reading

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Loved Forbidden Love. I can't wait for you to continue. Can't wait to find out what happens to Carrie and Yas. < xxx3 Continue Writting! -Thanks! =)

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Was just writing a note to beg you to PLEASE add some more to your story I would really love to know what happens in it. I really like it and would love to know how it is going to end so please let me know when you are going to add some more to your story so that I can make sure and read it. Thanks

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Not a problem it was such a good story that I couldn't stop reading it and now I am just REALLY curious to see what happens. So let me know as soon as you write somemore I can't

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I really love your book and would really love for you to add more to it cause I can't wait to see what happens to them. You really should keep on writing.

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I would like to give you a look at my first eBook that has done the step from a german book, to the english version. It´s now available on

The title is "The Curse - Touch of eternity"

I would be happy, if you would have a look on the reading sample with the look inside.

A centuries old... Show more

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Something happened to our friend request. Do you still want to be friends? Laz told me you and he were pretty good friends. Blessings! :0)

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hallo würde mich freuen wenn du mal meinn&acute;Buch lesen könntest. Es ist mein erstes was ich geschrieben habe und würde mich über kommis und bewertungen freuen.

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I can't read your book n if u r going 2 write more of it

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how do you create a book

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