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A true classic tale if ever I have come across one. Pity though, isn't it- that even though of us who are fully aware of the havoc that fear can bring still give it the chance.

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...what happens to relationships so often. It's hard for many, to drop the baggage of 'past' fear and failures, and enter new love with fresh eyes and an open (vulnerable) heart.
The fear of being hurt is always there for many, and for many, it ruins (what could be) a wonderful new experience.
Very well put annamaria!


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You must be full of hope to start the fight against fear.
A very interesting booklet

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Absolutely spot on. I loved it Annamaria. It is the kind of letter I would write to my lover...and I can totally relate to you and your feelings. You wrote this letter beautifully. The grammar was perfect, as was the spelling, the thoughts and ideas. Excellent job. I shall save this one. Valerie

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What is fear and what is reason? Where does the one begin and where does the other end?

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"What seperated us was not the absence of love but the presence of fear"
...i loved it!

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Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it.
Anna Maria