
I am so delighted you love my book! Yes! It is based off me, I write in it every other day or so giving details about what's happening in my life or just how I'm feeling that day. I update every other day, I try not to keep the days too close together so usually there's a gap... Show more


I thought it was based off you! Mine is as well. I don't tell many people that tho. And I sure will if anything comes to mind.


Indeed it is! And yeah, I totally get that, its kind of weird knowing people know that's you complaining constantly for a book, that's how I see it anyway, haha! And great, I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can if you do!


Yes it is... I don't really like people knowing cause then they begin to pry... Or just say you're basically complaining lol.


Yes! Exactly. And I will admit, some chapters I definitely am complaining, but hey. I'll answer any questions regarding what I have written in the book, nothing more unless I trust you enough to know! That's my thing with it.


I call it venting. It's really for me more or less... It's my way of dealing with how I feel everyday and what happened to me as I grew up. Some people would like to know. I do.


Yeah, that's exactly why I started this book, it helps me deal with things through writing, which is my best way of doing it. I hope people who read it find something from it I guess, something like that.


Yeah like maybe there's someone else out there feeling the same way or going through the same things.