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L. Avery Brown

If you click the 'More' button you should, hopefully, be able to see the forum page.

Deleted User

Wow, Laura! You're doing a great job!

L. Avery Brown

Thanks... It's like chugging up a mountain. I think I can... I think I can...

And if I were Descartes I'd say 'I think I can ~ therefore, I KNOW I can! :o)

Deleted User


J.C. Laird

11 Tips For Author Events

Posted by Ron Knight in upauthors.com

I just attended a book fair in Venice, Florida that had 56 authors selling their books. Here are some things I noticed:

~ About 20% of the authors were sitting. The problem with that is it makes the author look like... Show more


John, this was amazing! I would never have thought about most of these things. I particularly like the bookmarks. And yes, the "Elevator Pitch" is so critical:)

Customer/Browser: "Hmm...intriguing title. Nice cover. What's your book about?"
Auuthor (sitting): "Umm..."
... Show more


Good stuff John!

J.C. Laird

20 Ideas For Sharing on Social Media by Cairenn Rhys (repost from writenonfictionnow.com)

Many writers who are newly published or new to social media can feel confused about what they should share publicly as they make their first foray into social media marketing.

Some fear the... Show more

Edbert S.

Any tips for coming up with a title? :D


One tip....Your Imagination.


Btw...I come up with titles...Then I build a story around it. Strange, but true.

Edbert S.

Well I try to do so, but I'm absolutely terrified of having the same title with another existing book/website/etc. :/


There are I'm sure many stories, films that share the same name/title. Nothing to worry about.

Edbert S.

Alright thanks for the advice! Appreciate it. :D

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Sunkara Bhaskara Rao

Many writers knowingly or unknowingly write on same subject and some times with the same title, but the way and material will be entirely different. We can not be the shadow of others, being the original is always better than a shadow of someone. Inspirations are a lot more... Show more


To BR Raksun. I agree. However to receive inspiration is different than to receive an idea. Inspiration is a small, almost minuscule piece of a puzzle which will then be your story. An idea is as you say, pretty much the same story. So I think that perhaps your reasoning on the... Show more


I would suggest checking out this link https://timstout.wordpress.com/story-structure/blake-snyders-beat-sheet/ It is a script writing style which I am currently basing a book off of and I find that it's aid to writing is exceptional! Actually I a sort of unsure how I wrote... Show more

Blake Snyder’s Beat Sheet https://timstout.wordpress.com/story-structure/blake-snyders-beat-sheet/ The Blake Snyder Beat Sheet is the best plot structure template I’ve come across. It breaks down the three-act structure into bite-size, manageable sections, each with a specific goal for your overall story. See my review of the Save the Cat books by Blake Snyder (where the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet originated), and buy the…
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J.C. Laird

Show or Tell By: judycolella
about 1 month ago

As writers, we keep being told by those critiquing our work, "Too much telling, not enough showing," or "You're telling, not showing." Hmm. It took me a long time to figure out what the heck that meant and why it even mattered.... Show more

J.C. Laird

how, Tell, What the ....? [think of a rhyming word for "tell"] By: judycolella
about 15 hours ago

I recently shared a post about showing instead of telling, and what all that means, but at times, you do have to resort to telling. But when? And how much? Too much can translate to... Show more

Adlin T.

J.C., thank you very much for your advice on 'Too Much Telling' and 'Not Showing'. I welcome it and found it useful.

Tuti Von Zehren

My utmost gratitude! Invaluable advice for a beginner like myself.


Am grateful for that advice for people like me


grateful for the valuable advice to improve my work.