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My boss is my freaking ex! Then Quiescence!

Kenzhie Addie

OK. I'll consider it. XD

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Deleted User


Kenzhie Addie

I finally decided to update, "My boss is my freaking ex" first. I will be updating it this coming Friday, hopefully if I finish it on time. XD


YEAY.. cant wait..

Deleted User


Kenzhie Addie

XD I'm halfway done and this chapter will be a lil intense just a heads up. :D


**** rEaLLY????****

Kenzhie Addie

Haha yeah hopefully u guys would love it. :)


You have no idea how many times i check if you have updated.. so *** Dance and Shake my BOOTy*** YEAAAAAAAAAAAH. Im gonna get to read a lil bit more.. I dont want the story to end.

Kenzhie Addie

Wow, I'm soo glad to hear that. It's inspiring me to make it more better. Thanks! Lol XD


Im glad to inspire you, your really talented. (PS: Dont tell anyone about the Booty part) Never done it in my life.. lol

Kenzhie Addie

Haha thanks again! :D and don't worry I won't tell a soul except for someone who might come across this post.lol XD


For whosoever reads this post,

Please dont tell anyone about my Booty Shake.

Kind regards,
A Very SLEEPY and Brain Damaged Altho.