
Table of Content

  1. Introduction to remote access VPN
  2. Basics of Virtual Private Network
  3. SSL VPN vs IPsec Tunnel
  4. Trusted Networks for VPN
  5. How VPNs Operate
  6. Software vs Appliances
  7. What is SSL Protocol?
  8. Asymmetric Cryptography-Data Confidentiality
  9. Create Secure Tunnel Using SSL VPN
  10. Reverse Proxy in VPN 


This eBook is based on Remote access VPN that has been collected from different sources and people. For more information about this ebook. Kindly write to I will happy to help you.

Copyright 2023 by Mamta Devi

This eBook is a guide and serves as a first guide. This book has been written on the advice of many experts and sources who have good command over Network Security, Routing and Switching. They are listed at the end of this book.
All images used in this book are taken from the LAB which is created by experts. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For any query reach out to the author through email.

Introduction to remote access VPN

Throughout history, technology has been a driving force in shaping the way we live and work. This transformation began with simple tools, evolved with the invention of the internal combustion engine, and eventually led to the development of computers and networks. An illustrative example of this technological progression is the field of transportation. Thanks to extensive physical networks, such as roads, trains, and airplanes, people can now live and work beyond the confines of congested cities. Large segments of the population have relocated to suburban communities, giving rise to the well-known daily commute phenomenon.

Despite soaring fuel prices, many individuals have opted to stay in the suburbs. Today, with the rise of the Internet, people have the flexibility to work from almost anywhere. SSL VPN, a technology we will explore in this chapter, is a pivotal element in facilitating this ubiquitous access. Before delving into the intricate details, it's essential to comprehend how this technology can benefit you.

Many individuals are now part of what we call a 'virtual' organization. Employees in virtual organizations may not require a traditional office, cubicle, or parking space. Companies are increasingly embracing remote work, leading to the emergence of teleworkers. According to the International Telework Association and Council (ITAC), the number of U.S. employees working remotely has steadily increased since 1999. The ITAC commissioned a study conducted by Dieringer Research Group, which found that teleworking has grown by nearly forty percent since 2001. The ability to connect to the Internet from anywhere, at any time, makes teleworking possible. This process of remote Internet connectivity is now effortless, and with the advent of wireless technology, access is pervasive. Teleworking and remote computing encompass various scenarios, including:

  • Working on a laptop at a local coffee shop while sipping coffee (using wireless 802.11)

  • Checking online mail while on a train journey to meet a customer

  • Utilizing a customer's network to connect to your corporate network while on-site

  • Updating your resume and posting it to an Internet-based job site during a flight to Frankfurt

  • Accessing accounting data at an Internet cafĂ© on 42nd Street in New York

  • Enjoying online games on your backyard deck (with your dog)

  • Working from your suburban house with the iconic white picket fence

  • Imprint

    Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Text: Mamta Devi
    Images: Mamta Devi
    Cover: Mamta Devi
    Editing: Hemant Pal
    Proofreading: Rohit Jha
    Translation: Richa Dubey
    Layout: Mohit Patel
    Publication Date: 10-22-2023
    ISBN: 978-3-7554-5825-8

    All Rights Reserved

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