
KENYA after the civilwar 2077/2008

After our Nile cruise and beach holiday on the Red Sea in Egypt, Kenya was the second country on the African continent, which we visited . The preparation of this exciting journey, however, was marred by the bad news that arrived over the country of Kenya with us . As a travel reading gave me my wife JUTTA for Christmas the book " KENYA - Reports from inside a torn country " given by Thilo Thielke (Brandes & Apsel , 1st edition 2008 , 229 pp.). Since January 2008, Kenya was on the brink of civil war. Trigger for these riots were the presidential elections on 27 December 2007, were contested by the opposition as election fraud.



Problems on arrival to Kenya

This was during our stay in October 2009 nothing more to feel . The country had calmed down and the people - even on the go - we met with a exceptional friendliness. As we flew from Hannover via Frankfurt to Mombasa, the check-in in Frankfurt, designed to be particularly troublesome. The tour operator TUI weighed on a very primitive type (with a spring balance !) hand luggage of each passenger, which caused an incredible delay and annoyance (surcharge for overweight). Since I was wearing my backpack on my back, I escaped unscathed by the control (what me a " mischievous " afforded pleasure) . Also on the return flight , this tactic was successful.


A vexed issue of air travel are also the water bottles. Big bottles must not take it - smaller bottles that are almost empty, might have a chance. This then can be in the transit area on the toilet refill with water (as in Hannover or Frankfurt). This of course was not in the Mombasa airport makes sense - there was " expensive " bottled water available in the respective shops in the transit area . After about 8.5 hours flight from Frankfurt to Mombasa we first had to go through us the VISA procedure. This was complicated insofar as the VISA could also be requested on arrival desk at the airport . We had this worried us already at the Kenyan Embassy in Berlin and could pass the corresponding switch (without VISA issue) for an uncomplicated way (unfortunately we noticed this too late - so important for the next visit).



The strenuous LEISURE LODGE RESORT way to

And then we made the special experience that Mombasa is located on an island. Our transfer bus from the airport to the hotel on Diani Beach (South Beach) had to use the Likoni ferry to get there. Now the first stage from the airport was already a shock experience by an accumulation of misery and chambers huts 's masses going about the some activities on the streets in the early morning . And then the many people trying to get a place on the ferry. Many carried their belongings on their heads or pushed decrepit bicycles next to her.



Passengers for the Likoni ferry




Passengers on the Likoni ferry



Passengers on the Likoni ferry


I would like to be on the ferry from our bus got out (for security reasons , this was probably not possible) . For my image of Kenya has been very strong, " The White Massai" coined by the film. The excellent presentation based on the facts - novel with the same title of the Swiss Corinne Hofmann , resulting in the Samburu warrior     (he was not a Massai ) has Lketinga love. She moved in with him in the Kenyan bush to marry him there. Now back to the ferry : there is a scene in the film where she stands on the upper deck with her friend and holiday companion and on the opposite side of the impressive Samburu warriors (in the tribal clothing) discovered in the irrevocably in love. This motif (perspective) I would like to have photographed - unfortunately it did not work.


After another exhausting 1.5 hours, we arrived exhausted in the LEISURE LODGE RESORT on Diani Beach on (total duration was our almost 25 hours - calculated from Hildesheim off). To some extent sleep, we enjoyed on our balcony (with a beautiful view of the hotel beach) a bottle of " expensive " red wine. After a few hours of sleep we had acclimatized us and were then of tropical plant (with numerous capuchin monkeys ) and the very friendly staff pleasantly surprised.




Gorgeous view from our balcony

The particular style in RESORT

Very good we liked the tea ceremony, against 16 clock at the bar in front of the pool Bahari was celebrated every day. This was the first opportunity to meet the other hotel guests. It was noticeable immediately the lack of children and the overhang of older gentlemen who enjoy this resort for years. It is one of the first experiences that due to the climatic conditions (with a pleasant breeze muggy) is not a place for hectic action. The "polling , polling" .. ( slowly, slowly ... ) of the service staff recalled that the clocks go much slower in this African country (for us a very " wholesome " and estimated experience).




Pure relexation



The friendly gardener


The two-day safari in the TSAVO EAST NATIONAL PARK

Jutta had already organized the two-day safari to Tsavo East NATIONAL PARK for the next morning . For this we were given by the German organizer Denis Moser (DM Tours, Diani Beach) in hotel a call that we would be picked up the next morning around 5 clock 30. So it was the backpack with the parts to switch to grab the sleeping stuff and the toilet bag. We organized the breakfast (4 clock 30) and set the alarm clock at 4 clock in the morning. Accordingly, the surprise was in the early morning because the alarm clock rang for German time by 4 clock - but that was after Kenyan time as 5 clock . So it was a bit hectic and the breakfast was precipitated. Exciting was the adoption at the hotel front desk, because our key was (probably for security reasons) deposited with an envelope described in a hotel safe. And then there was a starting point, were recorded in the name, destination and duration of travel. The return was registered according to the book.


At the entrance, waiting patiently with his spacious Safari Jeep (for 4 people plus driver) our colored chauffeur and tour guide, who introduced himself as NICOLAS . He was a stroke of luck, for he was a very safe driver, patiently answered our questions and was on safari in an incredible way animals that we would not have discovered alone . As with our other long-distance travel this time JUTTA 's birthday fell back into the holidays - at the start of the safari. Accordingly, Nicolas also involved in the birthday song "Happy birthday to you ... " that rang out on the road on the way to the Likoni ferry.




NICOLAS in front of our safari jeep



We came to the northern part of Mombasa via a bridge. There was already waiting for a nice couple from Frankfurt to us and the crew of the safari jeeps was now complete. It seemed a long time until we left on a wide arterial road with a lot of traffic Mombasa to approach us on the road to Nairobi to Tsavo East National Park. At about 9 clock was the first break and for us the opportunity for a small breakfast (biscuits and coffee). We came here for the first time in contact with locals who wanted a friendly but firm " turn on " us their souvenirs.


On the way I noticed larger bags with black charcoal, which were stacked for sale at the roadside. I was thinking, like here in Africa, the " charcoal burners " is going on, because corresponding hill I could see anywhere. Also striking was the significant truck traffic, are transported to the goods from the port of Mombasa to Nairobi or in transit to Uganda. From our driver Nicolas, I learned that his family lives in Nairobi and he commutes between Mombasa and Nairobi. The travel time in the car takes about 5 hours. The train needs for 10 hours. What he earns a month, he did not tell us. In any case, he has several colleagues as drivers and guides that are used when required by Denis Moser .


At 10 clock and a relaxed ride, we arrived at our destination of our dreams : the south-east gate of Tsavo East located Buchuma National Park. We were probably the only two visitors and immediately there came many colored people, the entangled intensively this week. One spoke of the necessary sunglasses (antidust) and a head covering because of the sunlight. For the latter, he offered a bunch of safari hats for sale. So JUTTA and the other passengers came to their head protection. Since our trip to India in 2007 I am the owner of a very practical safari hat that I have not taken even before the Taj Mahal.



 The BUCHUMA gate



JUTTA is negotiating with the hat seller


So, now began the safari adventure ! Only once fell on only the red earth and a lot of dust . Of the "Big 5" was nothing to see . But the more we moved to the north, the more exciting it became. Because suddenly appeared the "red" elephants on (they had sprayed with the red dust). And above all, we learned the importance of water bodies know. There were windmills that pumped the water to the surface. This was urgently needed, because it was a bad dry season, which was extremely unusual for this time of year . All were eagerly waiting for the rain.




The red elephants




KLAUS the lookout for photo opportunities





The impressive Elephant





 Water buffalo








Elephants in the tree shade




 Giraffe looking for food




 The Strauss - family





Safari guests at the Lion Family




The young lion




Evening mood in Safariland



Later - at the end of the two day safari - told me Denis Moser in Diani Beach, that the lack of rain would have been the cause for the many animals that we observed during our safari. The experienced safari guide Nicolas had already informed us in the park that we were very lucky with the observation of wild animals on our safari. Always new animal motifs kept us busy as photographers: elephants, giraffes , zebras , water buffalo, antelopes, lions , warthogs, ostriches Somalia - even baboons , we were able to observe. And the next morning came we also cheetahs - but in abundant Distance - pre lens.




A water point





A wind turbine as a drive for the water pump

The night in the ARUBA LODGE

After several hours criss-crossing the Tsavo East National Park, we were mighty dusty, thirsty and full of intoxicating impressions. The reserved ARUBA LODGE middle of the park waiting for us. About the name " Aruba " I would like to say something, because this term has an almost magical meaning for me. In 1982 I spent with my family a wonderful holiday on the Netherlands Antilles island of Bonaire .There I was able to dive over a week in an underwater paradise. The following week we flew with a friend's family to the neighboring island of ARUBA . There we found the most beautiful beach in the entire Caribbean. In 1985 I was with my wife at the time ULLA  (JUTTA my second wife is) on a world tour. We stopped on the way to Fiji in Long Beach (California) and visited there the former passenger liner " Queen Mary " , which is firmly anchored there (with a hotel on board). On the way back to the center we passed a bungalow with the term " Aruba " by. There is even a photo of it.




The entrance gate to ARUBA LODGE


For protection against the wild animals the ARUBA LODGE is fenced and can only be reached through a guarded gate . An evening walk in the great outdoors is therefore not possible . Nevertheless, you also get so eg on the front porch, where we stayed) a wonderful, atmospheric impression of the life and the noises in the National Park. Since no telephone was available, we were awakened in the early morning at 6 clock from the servant who knocked on our door. After a hearty breakfast started for us the second Safari Day, which brought us the encounter with the cheetahs. For reasons that I had unfortunately not in demand , we had to Tsavo East National Park leave by 10 clock through the Voi gate again.












Escaping Giraffe



Lonesome Elephant




The visit to the Maasai village

Heading home gave us our tour guide NICOLAS a proposal to visit a Maasai village. However, he called a "entry fee" of Ksh 1,000 (10 euros ) per person. For us that was clearly too much and JUTTA negotiated the amount to 500 Ksh (5 euros) down . As Jutta and I still bought Maasai jewelry to commemorate the end of the visit, the village community of MAASAI came at their expense. Very surprisingly found the Maasai my ring in the right ear lobe. She immediately appointed me to a right Maasai and they asked me to take part their dances. As the saying goes : the ice was broken! But first we had to learn the men making fire : a wooden rod was long grated on a wooden plate, to as much heat was created to ignite dry grass . Both of us had to say : we need some practice as "Fire Men" (the necessary parts were given to us).




The clan chief is waiting for visitors 


There was a genuine hospitality with the Maasai (family connection) and as a parting gift they wanted to give to us raw goat meat. This we had to refuse but thanks. A few more words about the Maasai jewelry that we liked a lot : since our Greek Culture Travel 2006, I was the owner of a " steep tooth " (or a claw - had Jutta given me below the Acropolis) which I wore on the neck . Eventually I lost this trailer. Now I discovered among the many Maasai jewelery again a " steep tooth " , since I wear with a lot of pride and in memory of my Maasai friends. Also Jutta's colorful earrings found after returning numerous - youthful - admirer.




When making fire




The small Maasai





 The Maasai warriors




Observers in the shade




JUTTA and the Maasai child




The Maasai women




The stall is directed





The saleswomen




The dancers wait





Spectators at the dance





KLAUS as Maasai dancer



After a short stop at Buchuma gate (we had lunch there one) we drove back to Mombasa. On 2 Day was the return trip much more strenuous (it was probably a bit warmer and rush-hour in Mombasa) and we were looking forward to returning to our Leisure Lodge Resort. However, I NICOLAS had suggested, necessarily with his boss Denis Moser (DM tour , Diani Beach ) to speak - which I did at the end of the tour. Above all, I pressed - on behalf of my wife (she stayed in the hotel ) - our full satisfaction with the organization and with our tour guide from NICOLAS . Apparently he received in response to an immediate commitment for the day.


Relaxation in the wellness oasis

So now began our relaxing holiday in the "Wellness Oasis on the Indian Ocean " . Any bustle had fallen from us and we enjoyed every day. We had a lot of time to process our safari impressions (own image material was abundantly available). Whether we will ever be able to experience such a thing again? Jutta could imagine even a safari in the Serengeti and the Masai Mara . Now she has, however, made ​​the next long-haul destination CHINA. For our couch by the pool was very well looked after - with reserved sun loungers and comfortable cushions. And then there were at least a cold drink for everyone. This incredible peace was only disturbed at lunch time , because then a smaller group with appropriate music was - practicing gymnastics in the pool Bahari - under the guidance of a sports entertainer.



The swimming pool




The road to the beach




Our room in the first floor (right)



The seating for breakfast (in DIANI restaurant) and dinner (optional on the BAHARI Terrace or in DIANI restaurant) were determined according to the room numbers (C6) from the staff and found less important our consent. Our place on the Bahari Terrace was right in the passage area . Therefore, we wanted a place on the right hand side under the tree, and our wish was fulfilled . Still feeling energetic I had to mediate in the restaurant our " complaints" the head waiter . Shortly thereafter, we were directed to a very nice table on the window side to view terrace. On the terrace we took our lunch buffet. With open seating, because there was no fixed seating arrangements.



DIANI Restaurant




BAHARI Terrace




Dancers waiting for guests




The gardener opens the coconut for JUTTA



On this occasion, I mentioned our numerous " trips around the world" and my years of working as a hotel tester for and contributor (score currently 3,000, internal hierarchy Item 7 , Username : klmmetzger ). I have also promised myself to use in the context of "Beamer presentations " for the wonderful travel destination KENYA after my return to Germany. My hotel review " LEISURE LODGE RESORT " is eagerly read at



The Indian Ocean




 The kite surfers on the Indian Ocean







Protection from the midday heat




 Evening mood



Day trip to the "Congo River"

The beautiful beach we captured on our special way. It should be a real hike to CONGO River (as the locals call the small river about 3 km away). We had our safari hats and our backpack with water bottles and Photo equipment there. When we left the hotel grounds , immediately two young, native companions came up to us . They were excellent entertainers (in English) and talked the other " Beach Boys" from the body . Of course we both have sufficiently rewarded at the end of the interesting tour (800 Ksh for everyone!) - But nonetheless showed a the two dissatisfied. So also our interest was satisfied on the beach and we enjoyed the rest by the pool. Also interesting was the nightly dance of the Samburu warrior.



Diani Beach




JUTTA and the Maasai Warrior




Diani Beach




KLAUS as helper




JUTTA and her "friends"





At the "Congo River"

The African Massage goodbye

Already in Germany Jutta was referred to the massage huts on the beach where you could can be "spoiled " for 25 euros . This does not meet our expectations . We settled for 33 euros P.P. LOTUS health & relaxation center of Leisure Lodge Resort spoil . In pleasant background music became my wife and I treated over an hour of sensitive and discreet massage ladies. We felt like we were in paradise - even if in between the power went out (or because of it). This overall concept, the exquisite food of the highest class and the unprecedented peace and serenity were " to dangle together our souls " ideal conditions for us. For tourists our age (53/ 65) is KENYA an ideal destination ! 



Publication Date: 01-26-2014

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