
Chapter 1
Anastasia woke up with a start. There was some one pounding on her door. It was always locked. Getting up angrily she walks to the door, expecting it to be her sister again. But stops cold in her tracks. There was a bulky man with muscles bulging from his shirt and he had a mean looking scowl on his face. I open my mouth to scream but he lunges in the room and covers it. Then he pins my arms and starts pushing me forward. Struggling against his restraint I kick my foot back connecting with his groin. He stumbles just enough for me to wiggle away and start for the stairs down to my parents room. But I’m not fast enough he runs and tackles me to the ground making a pain shot through my head, but I have enough time to scream hoping it would wake my parents. Grunting he grabs my hair and drags me down the stairs me whimpering and crying in pain the whole way.
When we make it down stairs I catch the time on our clock by the door, 6:27am. Who the hell is he, why the hell has mum and dad not come to see if I was alright? When we get to the living room I go limp with fear, there was three more strong men with big hunter knifes in their hands. But that’s not what caused my limp, my parents and little sister we seated in chairs with their hands tied and legs. My mum was crying and looked at me with pain and sorrow, my dad looked like he was ready to kill the man holding me if he didn’t have a knife at his throat and my sister was sobbing and struggling with her bounds.
“Hurry up James!” snapped the biggest guy leaning on the counter, he looked like the leader. “How much problem can you have with this little girl?” He spat
“Sorry boss, she was being a bitch.” He shoved me more, I didn’t like he called me a bitch so I fell to the ground and twisted around fast so I could kicking hard in the groin again. He gives a sharp cry of pain and falls to the ground with a “Thump”. Struggling to sit up another guy comes at me and twists my arm around my back making me hear a loud “Pop”. I scream again because the pain shots through my whole body. My father try’s to sit up but the knife digs deeper and he is forced back down, my mum is whispering my name softly with sobs.
Still standing the leader walks over to me and puts his knife under my chin lifting my head so I could see him eye to eye.
“While you must be Antanasia , I think you are a little wild hurting my boy like that” he has a scar lining his eyes and his breath smells like cat shit. I smirk through the pain at my own thought. “What are you smirking at little pest?”
If you ever knew me I would stay away because I have the worst attitude that pisses everyone off. I just shake my head.
“While do you see mommy and daddy over there” he points his chubby finger towards them “while you better tell me what I want to know or I am going to kill them!!” He has a dangerous glint in his eyes so I know his isn’t kidding around. Fear stabbed me I didn’t want my parents hurt!!
“Okay…” You can hear my heavy British accent play through my voice.
“Good girl now tell me where the Princess?” what the hell was this guy nuts? I don’t even know what he is talking about. “Tell me now!!” he shouted.
“I have no friken clue what you are talking about” confused I look over to my parents and am surprised they have a weird look in their eyes, it’s like they know what he is talking about. “Sorry.” I mumble
Anger flashes through his eyes and he turns around and looks at my sister and shakes his head, the other guy shakes his to and goes for his knife. Wait what is he doing I think frantically, my father is now trying to stand up and fighting his restraints. My mother is shaking her head frantically. The guy puts the knife to my sister’s throat. She screams in pain as he slides it deep in. My father bellows “NO” and my mother screams “STOP!!”. Pools of blood run down her throat as she slumps to the floor, her long golden blonde hair is now tangled and her eyes are open with a pained and sad look in her eyes.
Still in shock my eyes get blurry and my head is pounding with great force and my hands start getting freezing cold. The guy smirks at me and wipes his knife on the side of my face so my sisters blood is now smeared along my cheek and dripping down my neck.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” Screaming seems to make him more pleased with himself. I start screaming hoping some of our next door neighbors would hear me or someone up for an early jog.
“You are one little animal aren’t you sweetie!” the guy that’s holding me say in my ear. Feeling sick to my stomach I want to throw up all over him.
“Okay, since you little missy won’t listen I will have to make you” He turns around to the guy holding my mother and shakes his head as while like he did with the guy holding my sister. “While one more chance where is the Princess?” The leader moved closer to me and slides his fingers down my bloody cheek and to my neck. I shrank back in disgust. He just chuckles and turns back to the guy holding my mother. My dad seems to know what’s going to happen and he launches out of his chair and tackles the man with such force you hear a huge crack when his head hits the ground. While there is a distraction I spin my head to the left and bite the wrist of the guy, he gives a high shriek.
There are little trickles of blood there. Since my hands are bound I shove my fist in his face hard making his nose crack like the same way when the other guy hit the ground. I run over to the phone and frantically push 911, there is a woman on the other line with someone grabs my hair from behind making my scream in pain.
I can make out it’s the leader because he was the biggest of all the 4 guys. He twists my head around so it’s facing my parents. I give a horrified choking scream, my mum and dad where laying side by side with big knifes sticking out of their necks but they were both facing me with the same look in their eyes. Pain, and regret for me not doing something to help them. All four of his men are standing there looking at me with hatred and delight. Anger flashes through me with such force I almost chock, and I suddenly feel a strong surge of power pulsing through me. It feels like a door has been unlocked. I wipe my head out of the man’s grip and stand straight in the middle of the room, my vision gets tainted a bright blue color and my body is cringing with icy power. My mind goes blank and I turn to the 4 guys. They seem to be surprised and back up when they see me; some even have a scared look in the eyes.
“B-b-b-o-o-s-s.” The guy that was holding me stutters. “I think we f-o-o-u-n-d h-e-e-e-r.”
I wipe my head around to the leader and he stumbles back tripping on the end of our stairs. I head straight for him and my fingers tingle with a weird sensation. The room seems to drop in temperature. I grab his hair and wipe his head to face me with more strength then I thought I had.
“Bitch!” he mumbles. That makes me grab harder and taunt him.
“Now look who’s on the ground!” I hiss. He shudders like he is getting colder. I trace my finger over and frost seems to trail along it. He screams as if in pain. As quick as a cobra I turn around and throw my hand out to where one of the guys where coming at me with a knife. He stopped in mid step with wide eyes and looked down, there planted in his chest was a jagged sharp piece of ice. I was so surprised myself I dropped ahold of the leader. Which I still regret this day.
Pure red hot pain goes through me and I fall to the ground, feeling all my power drain out of me as fast as it came. I touch my two fingers to my neck where it hurts and feel a shallow gash where the leader took the knife on me. But before I go fully down I feel satisfied I got to kill one before I died. There was a “CRASH” as my door slammed open. Before the black took me over I heard a loud “BANG” and blurry people filling in, and gun shots. I feel someone pressing something to my neck and shouts about something I can’t make out. After a few minutes of hazy blurs I fell my body being lifted and things getting shoved by my neck. I open my eyes only to make out a guy in a suit,
“Its going to be okay sweetie, everything will be fine.” I laugh in my head, yeah right my parents are dead my little sister is dead. Then everything goes black and lifeless.

Chapter 2
I was laying on a hazy white cloud that smelled of lavender. So this is what heaven is like huh? I think. I stand up slowly afraid to lose my balance because it looks unstable. But they were like cement, not moving. I turn around, not seeing anything for miles. But then some of the clouds seem to be moving, changing and taking color. Then out of nowhere I am standing in a room with ice blue walls and a pretty blue crib. There was a man next to it that look about 26, he had light blond hair, broad shoulder that seemed to be hunched over the crib protectively even though looking around no one seemed to be in there. Walking around to the other side of the crib I stare at the man’s face. I gasp but he doesn’t seem to notice.
It’s my dad!! That brings tears to my eyes. He looks young and fresh here. He stands straight up and walks over to the rocking chair where he just sits there. I want to yell something but know he won’t hear me. I look in the crib one more time to see myself as a baby. I was cute I think bitterly. My dad starts talking then.
“You know Antanasia your name means “The one who will be reborn”! You are going to be so special, going to have a gift no one else would ever believe!” He whispers softly, “You need to know that one day some very bad people might try to hurt you, the Chosen one!” He says with a bit of anger in his voice. “Never say a word keep this secret safe!” he nods to himself. “So when you get angry, try to keep cool!” He chuckles to himself in a private joke. “But my little baby girl you need to know another thing! I will protect you with my life if it even costs my own!” He half smiles a sad smile. He sits up abruptly,
“One more thing never……
I get knocked hard out of the dream making my open my eyes wide to a white room with five doctors leaning over her with paddles.
“We got her”
“Hurry up she already lost a lot of blood! We could lose her again!”
“Now since she is conscious we need to get that neck dealt with!”
All the sounds seem to be banging against her head, her who body feels dead and her neck she can’t even feel at all. It’s like having your head chopped off! All the nights events go through her mind again making her heave a painful sob and cause her to go to the blackness again. But this time she dreamt blood and horror!
Chapter 3
“New Life”
It’s been two weeks since the incident, and it was the last day at the hospital. I know you must be thinking that’s not long for my kind of wound but I seemingly heal fast! The officials called my only other relative that was alive, my aunt Abby Clove. She lives in Iceland. So it sadly took two days for her to get here to Germany. I remember her running in tears streaming down her face.
“Oh baby, I am so SORRY!” she whispers, hugging me gently. I was tired of people saying that!! Our family visits her 3 times a year so I’m lucky to actually know her. I just mumble something to her. It seems as if every day my heart gets colder, almost as if it was building a wall around it.
Every day since the “Incident” they would have to turn up the heat because it seemed as if it would be colder in my room than anywhere else. But the cold seems to sooth me, sink in my skin and oddly comforts me. And every night I would build up my icy box of a heart with the anger I felt when the police walked in and told me a few guys escaped and so did the leader, but mixed with that comes grief and pain that no one ever seems to get.
So now here I am in the bathroom of my room in the hospital, waiting to get picked up. Turing around I look at myself in the mirror and barely recognize myself. My unusual white shiny hair looked to have gotten thicker, more prominent. It has gotten longer so it was hanging right at my hip bone. My skin looked even paler then it usually is. Even my eyes seemed to be more hunting; they were as blue as a glacier but have silver flecks in them. People called them ghost eyes; some thought I was a ghost. But the worst out of all this was the puffy red and pinkish line that now ran from ear to ear on my neck. I felt lost, like drifting away.
Clove knocked on the door making me jump. When I get out there she has an old large suit case laying on my bed.
“Sorry this is all I could get.” Her voice was with apologies. After checking out before I know it we were already on the plane.
Half way there Clove pulls out an envelope and hands it to me. It has a Spring Field bank stamp a crossed it. Opening it, it reads,
Dear Antanasia Irina Ice,
I am very sorry for your tragedy; it must be like nothing else! But your father Charley Lynn Ice told the bank of Spring Field precisely if anything ever happened to send this letter to you.I have so much confusion; it was very unusual for this to happen. It was just another reminder of how much this seemed to be my fault. Looking down to the other hand writing my heart skips a beat! It’s my dad’s hand writing, so I read on.
I know you must be reading this. I am very sorry that this has even happened to such a sweet special girl! Your heart must be broken and it must seem to never heal but in time it might. I am also sorry that I am not there to help you, and yes when I say you are special I mean it. You have no idea how important you are. I don’t really even know. But you are like nothing else. I am also writing this because I am not going to leave you helpless. When you get to Iceland go straight to the bank! Show them this letter and they will understand, believe it or bot your mother and I are very known people.
Love you forever and ALWAYS!! –Mum and Dad
A sob almost escaped my throat, but silent tears were now sliding down my cheeks. I handed Clove my letter to read, she has a sad look in her eyes while she shakes her head. My sadness seemed to seep off me because the next thing I know my Aunt is shivering next to me muttering how cold it always is. I am so confused and hurt I don’t even think about the dream that I had when I thought I was going to die. I don’t mind if I die now.
Waiting at the curb for my aunt’s friend I look around at my surroundings. We are in a small town Allengara, population 785. It’s funny how people think that ice land is made of ice, isn’t that Alaska? Here it’s sunny with a little breeze but I am thinking its spring so I spouse there could be ice when winter comes. And believe it or not this small town is all dirt roads. A black pickup truck pulls up ruining my thoughts; my aunt throws my bad in the back and hurriedly hops in the front seat. Hopping in the back I buckle up and stare at the person in front and recognize her from the last time I was here.
“Oh my look at you darling girl you have grown up so much!” Beth Ronoldo squeaked making me flinch.
“Thank you.” I murmur softly, not really wanting to talk. Lucky for me my aunt saves me and starts to chatter. I hear my name in there a few times and making Beth look in her rear view mirror and she has a pity look there. Before I fully doze of I hear Beth squeaks again how we must come to dinner at her house to night and say hello to the family again. Oh god NO! I have only been there on time when I was forced to but then I still never saw any of her kids.
“We need to go to the bank.” Clove murmured.
I must have dozed because Clove is nudging me awake with the letter in her hand. Signing I look out the window and find the bank. It’s a good size and looked modern with the brown wooded walls and the white trimming. But it was nothing special so I don’t know what my dad thought I would get here? Getting out of the truck I start walking up to the bank when I get odd stares, some seem to recognize me but others just stare. I get that a lot with the way I look. Out of place.
Stepping up to the attends desk I hand the old man the letter and wait for him to read it. The old man regarded her with surprised eyes but said nothing. He walked out to the back room and came back 5 minutes later with a medium size duffle bag. Okay weird.
“Please Miss. Ice don’t open it until you are home!” His voice surprised me. I was a soft tempo that seemed to only let me hear. Nodding I walk back out to the truck and throw the bag in the back. While getting back in and waiting to leave Beth turns around and try’s to make conversation.
“Have I told you, you have such pretty hair?” I nod my head and she seems to take a hint and starts driving again. My heart seems to be aching in a terrible way. Looking around I remark this town was in kind of a square. In the middle was an elementary, middle, and high school where. There were other buildings and around those buildings houses seem to be surrounding it.
Driving past the school and a rest runt called Ronnie’s Rest runt. Other than that we were surrounded by tress on both sides. Until we came to a long drive way that had a pretty shamrock green mail box that said Abby Clove.
The grass was a lush green and a white fence lined around a good 5 Acers of the farm. There were cows, a few pigs, chickens, horses and a dog. There was a big red barn that had double doors and white trimming, next to it was a big two story house that was painted white with a light brown trimming. The door was a big and white with a gold nob. There were horses of all colors but white I noticed walking around the front of the fence that leads to the hay.
Jumping out of the truck I stand there as a huge dog runs up and crashes into me. There I am on my butt with a wild eyed dog licking my face. It was a white Great Perrine’s.
“Cal get off her now!!” My aunt booms at the dog. He hurries off me in a rush and trots over to Clove where he just sits there and looks pitiful. “Sorry he gets exited sometimes.” She laughs. Abby rushes to say thank you and we will be there to night. Walking through the door I look around it’s a old country style nothing special. Abby drags me up stairs and shoves me in the room I am going to be staying in and its plain with shark white walls that make my eyes hurt.
“Get ready we leave in 10 minutes.”
“But she just left shouldn’t we give her time?”
“She said just hurry up and get over as fast as you can.” Abby smirked. Shaking my head I just sit on my bed and wait. I don’t have to change, why I would change just to go somewhere I don’t even want to go. Soon enough my aunt is banging on the door and we head out in her truck. All to soon we are there in there drive way, I’m to tired to notice anything about my surroundings. We knock and there stands Bell looking all ready and step ford wifeish. God this is going to one long night I growl in my head.
That dinner was the most annoying, frustrating, painful dinner I have ever had or even know to mankind. Now sitting on my bed I remember the bag the bank man gave me. Grabbing it from under the bed I set it on my lap and just realize how big it is. Taking a deep breath I unzip the bag, I sucked in a shocked gasp. Pulling out a black designer bag I open it, there inside was another note, a smaller hand purse and a new I phone 4!! I opened the bug purse and couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a new I.D, a new passport, and a new driver’s license but that’s what not caught my eye. There neatly folded and brand new was 5 hundred dollars bills, 5 fifty’s, 5 twenty’s, 5 ten’s and 10 one’s. God was my family a gang or in an Ex con!! I hurriedly got the note and ripped it opened, there was my dad’s handwriting again that made my heart break.
Dear Anastasia,
You might be wondering what the hell?? And no I didn’t rob a bank, am a Ex con, or in a gang or killed anybody!! Like I said your mother and I got around we were high people and you would know this if you ever asked for anything my sweet girl I would have given you the world. Now this stuff is all important to you one way or another!! If you ever need to leave the country fast this pass port will take you anywhere you need. Always carry it with you. The I phone 4 has some contacts in case of an emergency. Lab top is at the bottom of the bag where you have probably not checked yet.  It has the most important things in it that you will need to know!! I would have told you sooner but we knew that they were coming. Don’t read it if you don’t think you’re ready!! But most of all the money, spend it wisely and knowing you, you will. There is 3 bank cards in there also. You should know how much we left you, 5.6 million dollars! Yes it’s A LOT maybe that’s even understatement ha-ha. It’s weird writing this letter and it also makes my heart already break. The old man at the bank named Simone I would trust him with my life so if you need anything go to him. With this money buy a high level safe that you can only open.
There is so much more I would love to tell you, but here it all is as short as I can make it. I love you so much and so dose you mother and sister. I will protect you and watch over you no MATTER where I AM!!
- Forever and Always!! Dad
Of course tears were flowing like a water fall in a wild frenzy. I couldn’t take it anymore. My dad was my world! So I lay there whispering his name over and over until I fall in to a deep horrible sleep.
Chapter 4
It’s been two months since I have been with my aunt. We are getting along better but I still rarely talk when not spoken to. I still don’t let her hug me, or try to love me. I can’t take having another life taken at my fault. I remodeled my room and bought a lot of other things. Abby is still in shock with the money I showed her, she knew we had money but not thins much. She even asked if he robbed a bank. I would show her the letter but it seems to special for anyone to read. But above all of this school starts tomorrow and I don’t want to go.
Standing in the middle of my new room I am amazed at their work and how much they put into it. Maybe it was because of the money and the tips? The carpet was a white fuzzy plush that you could sink your toes in and it would feel as if you are brushing up angel wings. My walls were painted almost to the color of my eyes, a nice icy blue with silver flecks of paint I asked for. There were poems and quotes that I wrote and picked out that I made the painters write in a curvy nice writing on the walls. On my black door had a painted mean looking polar bear. My bed had a mattress that you could sink into and get lost, the blanket was a blizzard furry quilt that matched the pillows. There was a thick white canopy hanging around the bed as while so if I wanted I could close it all around. Above the head board was a white horse rearing in a snowy white capped mountain and behind was my new installed top of the line safe. I installed new windows that went from the floor to the ceiling so I could easily see the front yard. But what I didn’t tell my aunt was that one of the windows at the bottom you could open it and climb easily on the roof. I had my own bathroom that had a big tube that shot jet streams out. Everything was shark white.
My closet was filled with all the new brands of clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories. My ceiling had sharp glass looking icicles everywhere with little bulbs in the so they looking like glowing stars when lights were off. Glass snowflakes were also hanging everywhere so in the sun it made little rainbows. I had a white desk that was by the wall that held my I phone, laptop, papers, and many other things.
They did such a great job!! I got them here from the United States just to do this. I wanted to feel more at home and this my little wonderland did feel like home. With some may call powers I have been practicing how to use it with the long days that I had nothing to do. I was sitting in the back yard near the tress so I was in the shade and I started snapping my fingers. To my surprise every time I seemed to snap there was a blurry trail of frost it left behind. It hung in the air for a second before it dissolved into nothing. Standing up I face the tree to my left and fling my arm out like I did with the guy at my house and there flew through the air was a sharp icicle the landed dead in the middle of the tree. Ever since then I have been practicing and I have discovered I could make the ice water and throw it so when it touches someone or thing it instantly turns to ice again.
“Holy CRAP!!” Abby breaths walking in behind me making me jump out of my daydreaming.
“Tell me about it, they did more than I thought those Americans could do!!” I actually felt a little twig of joy inside me but it was just a small fraction.
“It looks and feels as if is winter wonderland.”
“While look at me I am the Ice Queen.” I say sarcastically. Sticking to the door was an envelope. Opening it was my bill had had to pay for the remodel and to my shock it wasn’t bad. $589 thousand dollars.
“Oh hey angel I need to go look at a few horses that are a little out of town want to come?” She had a weird pleading look in her eyes that made me wonder and shake my head yes.
When we hit the road we were surrounded by a canopy of trees again making the descending sun’s ray’s glow through. The tall strong trucks and there lush green leaves. I can just imagine all the little wild life going on beyond human eyes.
Something in the corner of my eye cough my attention, it was like a feeling. It was like strong warning sign. It made my skin feel hot and itchy. Staring out in the woods I see a huge dark shadow flash through the underbrush. Could it be a bear? I looked at the speed we were going the orange dial was pointing to 45 miles per hour. No.. maybe. Then it seems as if the shadow is moving closer, it can’t be a bear because when you look closer you can see its leaner and has a longer snout. It might be a over grown wolf!
“Do you guys have wolves here?” I said Aunt Abby
“No.. while not that I know of why?” She wasn’t really paying any attention.
“Nothing.” I mumble and keep on looking. It’s still following in my view so I wonder if its following us. I smirk, right like a animal would run after a car. It seemed to turn its head and I inhaled deeply because it seemed to have humanlike eyes. They were almost black with a golden fiery touch to them. But all to soon it was gone and we were turning on a long road.
Pulling up to a big barn a person was already standing there. She was tall with brown hair that flowed to her shoulders. Getting out of the truck my Aunt walks up to her,
“Mrs. Belay, how are you.” My Aunt shook her hand “This is my niece, where here to look at those horses!” My Aunts voice seemed to come out smooth and confident when she was around other people.
“Ah Mrs. Clove very nice to meet you.” She smiled “Right this way.” We walked in the big barn. There seemed to be never ending stalls of horses all different color, sizes.
“Why are we here again?” I whisper
“We are getting you a horse of course, can’t have you on my ranch without your own!” she smiled broadly at her own surprise. I was shocked I thought I was going to just ride one of her many horses. I have been riding since I was 4 years old. So I smiled a fake smile and acted exited even though deep down I was just a little.
“Really, that is so cool!!” God could I have said that any worse? But she didn’t seem to notice.
“Okay go through that guys on the left side and see if you like any.” Belay said as Clove and she walked off down to the right side. After 20 minutes had past I got board and not saw any I really liked. But don’t get me wrong they were all very pretty and seemed great. I turned around to see Clove and Belay deep in conversation. Not wanting to interrupt I walk outside. I stop.
There in a small coral was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. He was pure white from head to tail. He glistened in the setting sun. His eyes were like no other, they were so deep blue. He was kicking and rearing trying to get out of such a small corral. He looked as if from a different world. He had to be at least 16” hands high. When I finally reached the bars and curled my fingers around them. When he swung his head around he immediately stopped and nickered happily as if was waiting for me. Being careful I climbed up the bars and sit down on the top so I was face to face with him.
He brought his nose up and nudged me, when I started to rub his velvety nose his whole body seemed to relax in appreciation. He put his head over my shoulder and as his he was hugging me pulled his head closer. I hugged him back and in that instant I didn’t feel so alone, I felt at home somehow. In that second I knew I would get him no matter what.
“Why ill be dammed look at you!” Belay’s voice sounded behind me surprising me enough to let go. “ I have never seen anyone be able to get that close to him since we found him.” Belay was smiling broadly. When my Aunt and Belay got closer he started backing away and pulled back his ears. His eyes were flickering from me to them.
“Is he for sell?” I ask quietly
“While… I don’t know he is something special that’s for sure! I don’t even really know what he is expect he looks like a white roan stallion and those are almost gone from this world.” Belay says timidly.
“How much?” I asked, I had to get him.
“While I would have to say at least 15,500 dollars, but that’s way too much for you.” Is that smugness I hear in her voice? I growl in my head.
“I’ll put in a extra 1,500 for tack.” I mumble and pull out my check book and start writing. Belay looked shocked when I handed it to her and Aunt Clove looked proud of me.
By the time I got him in to the horse trailer and his tack in the back of the truck it was almost 10.00 pm. We were home before I could close my eyes, my Aunt told me to go to bed and be nice and rested for school tomorrow even though he was struggling and rearing half heartedly trying to get to me. But I let her do it anyway. Stepping in my room I smile faintly it really does look like winter wonderland. Trailing my finger on the wall I leave a nice trail of frost. Rummaging through the bathroom draws I finely find it and pull the razor out. I untie the ribbons that are on both wrists and look down. There were many scars almost 18 on each wrist, that’s how many days it’s been since I found out that the leader got away and that’s how many days I haven’t killed them myself.
Placing the razor on my wrist I think of my little sister’s happy face when I push her on the swings and my mum’s voice every time she would say goodnight. But most of all that feeling of my father’s hugs when I hugged him every possible minute I had. Then I remember their faces when I didn’t save them. Biting back a howl of pain I look down to notice I cut deeper than I expected. The red crimson blood seemed lighter than most people’s but I think it’s just because of the things I can do. After I am done I sterilize my cut and the blade I walk to my room and take off my pants so all I am in is my underwear and a t-shirt.
Groaning I remember that I have to go to school tomorrow. I remember when Aunt Abby told me that I I am going to the academy here instead of the regular high school. Or as she put it “Sweetie it will be good for you, this school is better than that on come on give it a try.” It made me angry but I didn’t bother I didn’t care were I went just wanted to be done with school for the rest of my life. Sliding to bed was like falling into a oblivion of feathers but that still didn’t keep the bloody dreams from my mind.

- Dear reader this is only the start, i will be posting one almost every week. I am sorry if there are mistakes in here but this is my first time doing this. I hope you like it :)


Publication Date: 05-24-2011

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